The month of March is known as “Craft Month.” During this month, people try many new fun crafts, as well as support small and local businesses. National Day Calendar.com said, “Whatever motivates you, take your craft from idea to reality this month. If you’ve only been thinking about learning, sign up for a class.” Learning to craft can be quite a process, but it is always great to try something new! Even if it does not turn out as expected, it was at least made with love and creativity from your hands and your mind.
Craft Month actually has a history behind its meaning. National Today.com said, “The Craft & Hobby Association raised awareness to help individuals discover their hidden creativity and introduce Americans to outlets they hadn’t tried before, ranging from embroidery to candle-making to any number of other crafts. Over the years since, National Crafting Month has also come to signify a time for practiced crafters to start on a new project, try a new medium, or learn a skill they have always been curious about.” The history behind this month is very meaningful, so that is why it is always good to try new crafts, or even support your local businesses. These businesses appreciate all the help more than you know.
Days of the Year.com said, “Ever since you were a kid, you’ve known that making things is fun. Paper mache monsters, fluffy pom poms made from wool, knitted jumpers, making your own decoupage boxes and decorations – and who said that fun had to stop just because you grew up?” Because this month is full of trying new things, there are so many ideas to think of if you want to try out a new craft. One craft idea could be making gifts. Instead of spending money on pre-made cards, make one instead. It would be handmade and written with lots of love. Another idea is “craft night” with your friends. Creating crafts with other people is a great way to bond and share your creativity. One final idea is supporting a local business. It is always beneficial to explore the business, and even help out by buying something, even if it is small. Kokomo Opalescent Glass Shop is a location full of glass art you can purchase, as well as learn how to make. They host classes and tours of all the glass art they have made.
Personally, I appreciate the idea of Craft Month. I enjoy crafting whenever I have free time, or when hanging out with friends. I love to draw and paint different sceneries, as well as other fun things. I enjoy making new colors with my paint and being creative with any scrap paper I have lying around my house, and so can you. All of these ideas are for everyone of all ages. If you have free time or are bored, try one of those ideas. Get creative and have an open mind!