Behind the Mask of Marching Band

*This is my view of marching band as an eighth grader.


I understand that everyone has different opinions on Marching Band, but many people tend to make assumptions about it before they really know what happens during band. Yes, some people join band initially, then come to the conclusion that they don’t like it. However, here’s the issue with that. Even when people do “quit” band, they tend to jump to conclusions way too fast.

At the very beginning of the band season are parades, conditioning, and a few occasional practices. During this time is when many people decide they aren’t interested. The issue with this is that they haven’t even actually started. We don’t even have show music yet. And even though parades seem absolutely exhausting, they are only a small fraction of marching band. 

The next part of the marching band season is band camp, the time when you first start piecing together your show for the year. Described by many band members as torturous, tiring, and never ending, it is when you really start forming wonderful relationships with your peers. Being practically isolated with your fellow band members makes for a great time to form long-lasting relationships. Most members even consider marching band as one massive family. 

Next thing you know, school has set in and you are having weekly practices. Soon enough, competitions are right around the corner and you are working your heart out to make the show as flawless as possible. The rush of performing in front of crowded stands filled with many people who support you is exhilarating. Even if you aren’t a fan of performing in front of others, much like me, you don’t need to worry about anything. You have every other person in band to have your back. As long as you know your part, you are set for greatness. 

Despite being a little eighth grader, and the fact that my first season isn’t quite finished yet, I’ve learned quite a lot in the past few months. Going into marching band, I had many fears. What if I didn’t memorize my music in time? I’ve never been good at that. What if it is too difficult? What if I don’t fit in? 

First of all, memorizing music is honestly the least of your worries. Just practice a bit outside of band practice and stay focused during practice and you are set. Second, the staff and the directors are always happy to help if you need it. Third, marching band is full of so many different types of people. You always have people with similar interests to you. I honestly feel that the diversity of the band is what makes it so easy for everyone to get along. Say you don’t like talking to others. Well that it just fine because band is accepting of everyone.

In conclusion, band is a lot more than what it may seem from the outside. Many people may see it as painful show hair and constant torture, but underneath the mask, there are over a hundred people that care for you. This includes your peers, their parents, and the band staff. Even though I haven’t touched on it much, band parents are a massive part of band. They help push equipment and field props and help do show hair and provide food. As a whole, marching band is much more than its stereotypes. Band is a family.