Mistreatment of Jews

In our English class, we read the book The Diary of Anne Frank and watched the movie. We learned about how they were treated. Watching the movie helped us learn about what really happened to the Jews. Jews were forced places, treated horribly, and had to wear yellow stars.
During the war, Jews were not able to enter many areas in Germany. Jews were not allowed to have many items that others could have. They were not able to have much food because the Nazis didn’t care if they starved. Jews were forced to wear yellow stars on their clothing. When going somewhere they could not use public transportation.
Anne Frank and her family were affected by this because they had to wear yellow stars. Jews were being taken to concentration camps by the Nazis. This is why the Franks went into hiding. They barely had any food to survive.
This has a major significance in history because Jews were forced to feel less than other people. They weren’t supposed to have things others could have. This is not the only time in history this has happened. Other times things like this have happened are during slavery and mistreatment of Native Americans.
The Jews were not allowed to have things others could have or get enough food. They were made to feel as though they were less than others. Things like this are happening right now in America’s immigration system. Jews, African Americans, and Native Americans may have been some discrimination that happened in the past, but we can never stop it from happening right now and again.

My name is Kyle Henry. I am a senior at Lewis Cass High School. I enjoy being outside, hanging out with my friends, and playing tennis and golf. This is...
Jon Morris • Mar 12, 2020 at 12:14 pm
Good job Kyle. I really liked the fact how you listed on what the jews had to go through when they were going through the Holocaust. I also liked that you kind of went into detail on how they were being miss treated.