The Variety Show

Each year the seniors gather to put together a variety show for the community of Lewis Cass to come to watch and enjoy. The current seniors put together senior skits acting out memories from their eventful years of high school while other students audition with what they would like to perform. The variety show is to show the many talents that students from Lewis Cass have. The seniors get to come together as a class to run the entire show. They plan which skits go first, and what skits are going to be about, and at the end, they put together a slideshow to show younger pictures compared to them now. 

This year’s variety show was on Wednesday, September 14. The main four seniors that helped put together the show, who were also called the MCs, were Savannah Bowser, Kyah Preston, Keaton Lewellen, and Haden Mcclain. Kyah Preston mentioned that she “was very excited, but also nervous.” She knew that she and the rest of the seniors had “put in the work, and it was going to be an amazing show,” but even the nerves made her continue to feel anxious. The variety show held three practices to prepare for the senior skits on Thursday, Monday, and a couple of hours on Wednesday before the show. This year the show had a total of 13 talent show skits and five senior skits. The talent show side included multiple singers, dancing, and musical compositions. The last act of the talent show side were the cheerleaders cheering to the school song, and a dance created by the seniors. Senior cheerleader Kadence Miller said that she was “very excited to perform for the senior year variety show, but it was also sentimental knowing it was the last one.” She was excited as well, but just as Kyah said she was also a little nervous about the full auditorium awaiting her act. Another crowd favorite that has been a part of the variety show for a couple of years is a magic show held by William Rose. The crowd was very excited when the curtains opened to reveal him ready to perform his card tricks. 

The senior skits were making many seniors nervous to go out on stage in front of a decently full auditorium. Other seniors were ecstatic to be a part of the show and couldn’t wait to go out and show off what has happened over their high school years. The senior skits involved jokes about the band, Savannah Bowser getting in trouble for sharing answers, Mr. Pocok, Mr. Bauer, Jeopardy, and many of everyone’s favorite teachers leaving for different jobs before their senior year. In between senior skits the seniors performed “boom roasted” jokes as they were a big part of their middle school days. They also added in the homecoming court coming out dressed as each other and acting like the other. For example, this year Noah Preston came out dressed as Kyah Preston. Elly Logan came out as Luke Chambers, and everyone had the crowd laughing for that entire bit. The seniors were surprised when many teachers had their scenes to mock the way the seniors act in all of their classes. The teachers ran around each one acting as a different student. As one of the last things, the seniors added the senior superlatives where one boy and one girl were voted for each superlative. Some examples of the superlatives would be class clown, best bromance, the best artist, and the best dressed. To end the variety show all the seniors sat down on the stage to watch their slideshow of memories of how their high school years have gone. After the slideshow was over, everyone in the auditorium headed back to their cars to head back home. 


Works Cited

Miller, Kadence. Personal interview with the author. 14 Aug. 2022.

Preston, Kyah. Interview. 15 Aug. 2022.