Is the DCU Finally Going In the Right Direction?

The DCU is something that has not been very clear throughout their history. The DCU stands for the DC Universe. You might’ve heard of Marvel before. This is another brand of superheroes with their own completely different stories and copyrights. Marvel and DC both started with comics in their beginnings. Later on, movies and TV shows were added into their collection. Marvel is known for their excellent movie franchises. They have a solid beginning and timeline for the whole universe itself. DC however, has not always been so clear with their movies and timelines. DC has had many great movies, but none that all really flow in a timeline. DC has just announced a new phase in their movie universe. James Gunn (CEO of DC) has stated how they are going to start fresh and take a new direction with their upcoming movies and shows. He has already stated that they are no longer using the Superman character as of now. They have re-cast a completely new Superman for its new movie release date in 2025. He has mentioned how some characters will stay and others will not. The upcoming “The Flash” movie is going to be an explanation of the universe reset. This universe reset will allow for them to start fresh and get a solid franchise and timeline going forward. DC is in need of this. They tried to do something very quickly with the “Justice League” movie and it did not work out very well. Their ratings were not great. It was a rushed and unplanned movie for it to be their conclusion to the superheroes. I am excited to see this universe reset and what they can start from here on out. I think they are going in a good direction and can get a great fan base for their franchise. The DCU needs this fresh start to be good and please the fans. If it goes well, this could help them improve and make a lot more money. I think James Gunn has a good plan. As long as they don’t try anything that would destroy this new timeline, the franchise should do really well. They plan on introducing a lot of new characters in this new universe. This is nice to see because it’s not the same old characters they have had for their whole franchise. The fans will get to see more of what the DCU has to offer. They have a lot of characters that could make for great movies. They have failed before with other movies and new characters because of it not having a timeline. The timeline is the most important part of the franchise. It is a way for the fans to look forward to something at the end. They want to see the character join together to defeat the villain. DC has different worlds in their storylines, so they are able to bring back old characters, if necessary. This is nice to see that they have planned these things out. That is what they need to do and looks like they are doing. They have different chapters set up with different types of heroes and villains. This new phase of the DCU is going to be very exciting and I hope it does well.
My name is Noah Preston. I am a senior writer for the Kings Courier. I play tennis and baseball here at Cass. I enjoy hanging out with friends and having...