Why Volleyball is the Best Sport

In my opinion volleyball is the best sport. You don’t have to run super fast or have to catch a ball in the air. Volleyball is the best sport because you don’t have to run that much while playing, it helps you with your communication skills, and it builds so many friendships.
The first reason why volleyball is the best sport is because you don’t have to run that much. In volleyball you are standing on a court that is about 9 meters between you and the net if you are in the back row. There really isn’t that much room to run. The only time you have to run is if you are trying to get the ball or if you are getting ready to spike the ball. You might have to run during practice but it is not that bad. Volleyball is a good sport if you don’t like to run much.
The second reason why volleyball is the best sport is because it helps you with your communication skills. If you are a captain in volleyball you have to go to the refs and that other team to flip a coin. You have to introduce yourself and your coach and you have to call heads or tails. This helps you with your communication skills a lot because it gets you comfortable with talking to people. Another way that volleyball helps you with communication skills is when you are playing you have to call mine and communicate with your teammates about what is happening.
The final reason why volleyball is the best sport is because you build new friendships. When you start volleyball you may not be that close with some people but after a while you get really close. You start getting close with people because you have to communicate and work together with them to be able to play a good game. You may not think that volleyball would be fun but it is. You could even start playing volleyball just for the friendships and then you may like volleyball even more.
In conclusion, volleyball is the best sport because it helps you with skills and builds new friendships. Volleyball is a very bonding sport and makes friendships that could last forever. Volleyball is a good sport and gives you so many opportunities to better yourself for the good. Volleyball is truly the best sport in my opinion. I would consider you to try out for the volleyball team.
Maddie L • May 9, 2023 at 9:13 am
Great article Ava! I really liked how you talked about the friendships that you can make. And maybe get to be friends with someone you’d never thought you’d be friends with. And how volleyball works on communication skills because some people struggle with that.
Ashlynn • May 9, 2023 at 9:11 am
Good Job Ava! I 100% agree with you I have made so many new friendships through volleyball and I’m glad we don’t run a lot.
Raeleigh • May 9, 2023 at 8:25 am
Great article Ava! I completely agree that volleyball is the best sport. I can also agree that you make so many new friends and get closer with people while playing.