Why Summertime is the Best Season

All the different seasons of the year have cool and interesting things about them. There are many people who have their opinion on which season is the best. My opinion is that summertime is the best season because of many reasons. Some of the reasons are warm weather, out of school, outdoor activities, and many other fun things to do in the summer. A lot of people also go on vacation at this time, which is a great escape from everything else.
The first reason why summertime is the best season is the warm weather. The weather is usually nice and warm; sometimes it can be rainy, windy, or chilly. The warm weather means you can do many things outside and not get cold. A lot of people also use the nice weather to get tan or just lay out by a pool. You can also wear shorts and less layers of clothing because it will get warm out. You don’t have to worry about bringing your coat or a bunch of layers if it is warm out.
The second reason why summertime is the best season is that school is out. It is so nice to sleep in or stay up late with your friends and family. You don’t have to worry about any schoolwork or finishing homework. You can hang out or have sleepovers any night of the week and not have to worry about going to school the next day. It is nice to have a break away from school and everyone at school and just relax. With school out, I have a lot more freetime so I can do whatever and have more time to myself.
The third reason why summertime is the best season is that you can be outside and do many activities out there. Also, there are many other things you can do in the summer. Some of the activities you can do outside are swimming, walking, sports, walking dogs, waterparks, parks, and many more things. A lot of people also go on vacation during summer break and it’s always nice to take a break and go somewhere. There are so many fun things to do on vacation and you can see many new things.
In conclusion, summer is the best season because of the warm weather, school is out, fun outside activities, and you can go on vacation. All of these things make for a fun time with family and friends. Also the Fourth of July is in the summertime, and it is a fun holiday with food, fireworks, family, and to celebrate independence. There are still so many more things to do during summer. This is my opinion about summer but what’s your favorite season?
Morgan Hiers • Sep 13, 2023 at 9:06 am
I completely agree! Summertime is one of the best seasons. I love how you worded everything and gave examples on why it is the best season.
Issac Williams • Sep 13, 2023 at 9:02 am
I like this article because it tells us many reasons why summertime is the best season. It also gives us information like what we should wear and how go get away for everything.
Brett Elpers • May 9, 2023 at 12:15 pm
While I don’t agree that summer is the best season, I do think it is up there. I have bad allergies to pollen so I can’t love it. I do love the warm weather. Swimming is probably my favorite outdoor activity, which can only be done in summer.
Addison Zeiger • May 9, 2023 at 10:56 am
I love this article! Summer is the best season. When it’s winter, spring, or fall, if I go outside it’s usually cold and I have to wear heavy clothes but in the Summer I can wear shorts sleeves and shorts. I also love swimming and Summer is the time of year when the beaches are open.
Shaelynn Dishner • May 9, 2023 at 10:55 am
I completely agree, Summer is a really great season and you can do a lot of things outdoors with your friends and family. Your article is greatly worded and you picked an amazing topic to write about. You did a such a great job on writing this article.
Rachel Zavala Garcia • May 9, 2023 at 9:15 am
I fully agree, Summer is the best season. This article is nicely worded and formatted and in general easy to read. Summer is an amazing topic to choose because it’s easy to agree with, such a good job.
Alexis • May 9, 2023 at 9:12 am
This was a great article! I definitely agree with you and I loved all the examples that you gave to show why summertime is the best.
Dillon Lee • May 9, 2023 at 8:27 am
i agree with your article, you talk about how much fun the summer is and i cant wait till summer comes what i like most about your article is that you talk about all the fun thing like swimming and family and friends.
Madyson M • May 9, 2023 at 8:21 am
I completely agree, summer is the best season. You gave great examples and reasons why it was the best. Great job!
Addison Jones • May 9, 2023 at 8:21 am
I agree! Summer is warm and you can never go wrong with summer. Durrng summer you can do lots of diffrent things and its so much better. Great artical.