Oculus: Gorilla Tag

You have probably heard of a VR headset (or Virtual Reality headset). One of the headsets is called the “Oculus Quest.” The Oculus quest is an open reality headset where you can talk and interact with people all around the world. I have the Oculus Quest 2; it is a very cool experience to mess around with and even make new friends.
First, let’s get into the games. The games are very entertaining and provide lots of fun. One of my favorite games is called “Gorilla Tag”. This game was made by a guy who goes by the name Lemming. This game is a free roam game; this means that you can walk around the map on the Oculus using controllers. This game is completely free to buy from the Oculus store, but in the game there are cosmetics like hats, shirts, sunglasses, and even masks, they cost money. The prices for the in-game currency called “Shiny Rocks” are 5,000 for $20, 2,500 for $10, and 1,000 for $5. I have been playing this game for around 6 months, and I have really enjoyed it so far.
Next, let’s talk about the Gorilla Tag myths. There are supposedly “ghosts” in the game. One of the very popular “ghosts” is named PBBV, This “ghost” is named this unusual name because it play an eerie sound that sounds like “PBBV IS COMING, PBBV IS HERE.” Apparently, this is a hacker which can ban you for a long time or even permanently. Although this hacker is very creepy, it walks up to people and puts its hand inside of you and then your screen goes black and shows a gorilla with glowing red eyes. There are other hackers/ghosts that do this also, for example Daisy09, Banshee, KOL3, J3VU, and others.
In conclusion, Gorilla tag is a really great game. I would recommend this game to owners of an Oculus. It’s completely free and very entertaining.
Aidan • Aug 4, 2023 at 1:52 pm
Good job Bentley.
Makhi Neal • May 9, 2023 at 1:49 pm
Bentley I enjoyed your article and what you went over in it. The formatting was really well put together. You went over the things in this game like shiny rocks and the hackers in the game. All around this was a very good article.
Kingston G • May 9, 2023 at 1:43 pm
I can agree with your statements. Everything you said was true and made since. I really like how you gave codes for the apparent “Ghost / Hackers” of the game. This article made me understand more about Gorilla Tag and the Oculus Quest.
Michael • May 9, 2023 at 12:10 pm
I love this article Bentley. You did a Nice job organizing and formatting.
Dillon Lowe • May 9, 2023 at 9:16 am
The article told alot about the game and even more about the community. One section about Gorilla tag ghosts was very good and provided great examples like Banshee, Daisy09, and KOL3 wich are well known ghosts and it explain PBBV very well. They were explained as myths and not real things to be scared of and thats a good thing as most are fake but some people will use hacks to ban people.The explanation of the in game currency was very good as you listed price and amount you get and what thing you can buy with them.
christopher • May 9, 2023 at 9:13 am
good job you did good and you are right their are hackers and it is creepy good job.
Caleb Fettig • May 9, 2023 at 8:24 am
Gorilla tag is a very fun game I play it myself and i’m decent at it I guess, but anyways a like how you described the little things inside the game like shiny rocks or how you mentioned the dumb hackers/ghosts that go on the game banning people. The Oculus quest is fun and how you described it was GREATTTT!!!!!
Xavier Gordon • May 9, 2023 at 8:21 am
I thought the artical was really good because it covers most of the basic of the game and even I own an Oculus quest 2 and have the game as well so yea he covered the basics and every thing about the game that I could think of so yea great job Bentley.
Kollin • May 9, 2023 at 8:20 am
FINALLY somebody who talks about VR this article it just the thing for new players to read or people interested in the game. The part about the ghosts was unexpected but well done and the info you gave for PBBV was really well thought out. 10/10.
Kyler Corn • May 9, 2023 at 8:18 am
Yes, there are a few myths on ghosts and like you said none of them are real however, there are hackers and as you said they are creepy