Kindness is a good trait to have, but what is it? Many people tell you to be kind, but you might never remember being told the definition of kindness. In this article, I will explain what kindness is, why you should be kind, and ways you can be kind.
Kindness is a trait that some people just seem to be born with, others are taught to be kind, and others are not kind at all. Dictionary.com’s definition of kind is, “of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person”. Someone who goes out of their way to do kind things is kind. These people do kind things not so people think better of them, or have a better reputation, but simply because they enjoy being kind. These people will be kind even if it means they are late to work or school, or they have to give someone money, or they get disgraced by their friends.
As described above, to truly be kind, you have to be kind without even thinking about it, but if you do these things, you may start being kind without even realizing it. Even if you are not kind now, you should be so that in the future you are. Let’s say you do not have any friends. It may be because you are unkind, so to get friends, you could be kind to other people. Most importantly, you should be kind because it is the right thing to do.
There are many ways you can be kind, like holding the door for someone, grabbing something for them, encouraging them, or giving money. You could hold the door for someone in a wheelchair, even if it means you will be late to class. When someone asks you to grab their book for example, instead of saying you have other things to do, grab their book for them. You could encourage people at sports events to not give up, or when you are in a marathon, give the person next to you encouragement, such as telling them how much left they have, or to not stop. You can donate money to organizations or simply give money to beggars on the street.
Now you know that kindness is a good, positive personality trait to have, why people tell you to be kind, and the definition of kindness. You also know of ways to be kind such as encouragement. Now, go out and spread kindness to others!