For many, their day does not begin till they have had their morning coffee. Not much can be done until they have had that first sip of their “morning joe.” Caffeine is a common crutch for many Americans. Energy drinks, supplements, coffee, whatever poison you pick. Whether you prefer drinking Dunkin’ or Starbucks, or a simple cup of coffee from your local gas station, it is a morning must-have. In a day and age where there is a new coffee shop popping up around every corner, it is hard not fall into the $7 coffee trap. Learning how to craft your own cup is not only cost efficient, but it also adds a great and fun skill to your resume.
To start your “jitters” filled journey, you will need some beans. provides a really great scientific breakdown of coffee beans. But in short, those fresh coffee aromas that fill the air of your local Starbucks are from a process called degassing. Degassing is when all of the aromatic compounds that make coffee so complex, escape into the fresh air. Or in other words, it is when you say “Ahhh, that smells so good.” But, these aromas only last for a short period of time which is why it is highly important to try and use freshly grounded coffee beans. The longer your ground coffee sits, the less complex of a flavor profile the coffee will have.
This tip is for all the people who like a little bit of coffee and a lot a bit of sweetener. Instead of using a creamer that will expire in a couple of weeks, save your money and buy coffee syrups. The brand Torani has a plethora of different syrups and sauces (Walmart $7.99). When you are crafting your coffee you can add just a splash of flavor to unlock a whole new world of combinations. Now you can add a few pumps of your favorite syrup with a splash of milk and you can savor the flavor forever.
For most, going out and buying coffee seems to be the best and cheapest way to get your daily caffeine fix. Especially for those who do not have the tools or the resources to create something so complex. But in all actuality, you probably have everything you could ever need, you just need one simple ingredient. Instant coffee. Instant coffee became a huge hit in 2020 when the viral “whipped coffee” trend took the internet by storm, but just like any other social media trend it soon became a mere memory in the back of your mind just like any other crazy thing we did back then because the internet told us to. But it is clear why this became an internet sensation. To make your own coffee all you simply need to do is measure out the amount you want and add some water. You can add hot or cold, but I recommend using milk to make the coffee have a less bitter taste. Simply just add whatever else you want, then boom, a hand-crafted coffee. No overpriced machinery is needed. I do recommend buying a handheld frother though to spice up your drinks (Amazon $9.99 ). It can be used to mix your instant coffee, make a frothy cappuccino, or even some delicious cold foam. In my opinion, instant coffee really is the best bang for your buck. Everybody’s favorite store Walmart sells a can of Starbucks brand instant coffee for around seven dollars. The can can make up to thirty-five cups of coffee. That is only twenty-three cents a cup! Then, after you add your milk and syrup, you are spending roughly around seventy-five cents per cup of coffee. Compared to your weekly or maybe even daily $7. If my math checks out right, by creating your coffee at home, you are saving around $325 a year on just one cup of coffee a week! That was a hard pill to swallow.
So whether you are a coffee connoisseur or just someone who likes their occasional Starbucks, I hope this article serves you a purpose. I challenge you to experiment with different recipes and flavors and to try and find the best one for you. Coffee, just like any other overpriced food item, was created out of passion, a passion for flavor, experimentation, and fun. So, after reading this article I hope you find some passion behind your poison and learn more about the crafting behind it.