Many teens in high school would love a little extra cash to do whatever they want. In high school, many teens work at least one job in the summer months or during the school year. However, there are some challenges in finding and applying for a job.
There are many different types of jobs a high school student could apply for. According to, restaurants and coffee shops are some of the most popular and prevalent jobs. Followed by retail jobs. However, some jobs have full-time or part-time opportunities.
There are pros and cons to working in high school. According to a study by the New York Times, many students and parents say that a part-time job taught them important life skills. There are cons of course such as the available hours a teen is legally allowed to work or the time a job can consume. According to the NYT study, students also felt more confident and capable after having a job. Some argue that a part-time job would take away from the academic aspect of a student’s life. According to the NYT study, jobs should take second priority to academics of course, because education is limited while jobs are always available.
The hardest part of getting or having a part-time job could be considered time management. When being involved in sport or other activities it is important to look at what time is available to work if desired. Some students may not have the opportunity to work during the school months but in the summer they have freed up space where they can work.
When deciding where to work a teen should think about whether or not the job is right for them. There are multiple jobs that need multiple different skill sets or traits. So, when choosing where to apply, a person should think about strengths and weaknesses that they may have to choose the best fitting job for them. “The most important part of a student having a part-time job is that they don’t overwork themselves”, Family says.
Many high school students who go to Lewis Cass hold jobs. Brody Hillis works at Fire Pizza one to two nights a week due to the sports he is involved in. “They work really well with athletes’ schedules throughout the whole year.” According to Brody, Fire Pizza attracted him because it was close to home and had a plethora of different types of work within the job. “I am a Swiss army knife. I do it all.” As you can see it is possible to have a part-time job and do extracurriculars.
In conclusion, part-time jobs can be difficult to have if a student is very involved. However, there are many jobs that will work around schedules. Working in high school can help a student learn important life and time management skills. There are always going to be priorities every student has to think about when having a job and doing sports and extracurriculars.