Everyone is doing it. It is the new big thing… and it actually works. No, it is not crack in the 80’s or statement necklaces in the 2000’s. It is the new weight loss craze that has you asking your friends, “Hey, did so and so lose weight?” It is the big O-Z and not the one that Elphaba hates. Ozempic. Or known by its medical name Semaglutide. It has also taken several other names like Mounjaro, Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy. But, it all does the same thing. So this leaves us with one question. “What is it?” and “Why is everyone taking it?” or you might even be secretly asking “How can I get my hands on it?”
Semaglutide is an “antidiabetic medication used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and an anti-obesity medication used for long-term weight management.” according to the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners and Medical Licensure Commission. Semaglutide works by lowering the blood sugar levels which then helps the body produce more glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that creates insulin. Hence why the drug is used by diabetics. All of the different forms have been used for over a decade and even became FDA-certified in 2017. Meaning it is approved by medical officials, safe, and is a trustworthy medication. Does not sound all that bad right? Well, you know all that side effects and warning jargon you hear at the very end of the commercials? You know, where the narrator talks really fast so you do not pay attention to the brutal consequences of taking something. Yeah, that one. Well, one major side effect of Semaglutide is weight loss. The only side effect that us shallow human beings are able to really notice. This side effect is due to the increased GLP-1 production in the body which causes a reduced appetite. This then will gradually lead to weight loss and everyone wondering how you did it. Seems too good to be true right? You are telling me all I have to do is just take a tiny little shot, and I get to continue living how I want? Where can I get some? That is exactly what went through minds across the nation.
By 2021 the Ozempic craze was in full swing. From famous celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Kelly Clarkson to Tesla CEO Elon Musk. They were all on the Semaglutide bandwagon. Many of them are open and honest about their use as well. Headlines and articles over this “too good to be true” weight loss secret were soon released. Causing doctors to receive several requests from obese or overweight patients to be prescribed the drug. No matter the cost, which was relatively high. In fact, for just the small amount of $8oo a month, you too can look just like those famous celebs that are totally “all-natural”. Yes, people throughout the nation are paying only a little over $800 PER MONTH! Meaning if patients were to take the medication for a full year they would be paying close to $10,000. This further proves the lengths that people will go through just to change themselves. With such high demand, there was soon a supply shortage. As of April 2022, we have been battling a worldwide shortage of Semaglutide and are still facing it today. Now, let us not forget what this drug was originally used for. This means that not only is there a shortage of the drugs for people looking to shed a few pounds for their “#springbreak” Insta posts. But also for the countless amount of people who need it for their bodies to physically function correctly. This is where the question of ethics behind the Ozempic craze then comes into play. Now the people who are using the drug for their advantage are now putting those who value it as a necessity at a disadvantage.
While this all seems too good to be true there may be some daunting side effects of taking this drug that many do not tend to focus on. We all know the best side effect of it, which causes it to be so widely known. But, there are some dark truths that are not so widely known. Ones that may cause you to think twice before you purchase. Many patients have had to deal with problems such as Gastroparesis and GI issues. Gastroparesis is what causes the loss of appetite in users, but it also means that food sits in your stomach longer which then leads to gastrointestinal problems. So in simpler terms, things like acid reflux, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or constipation are what you have to look forward to. As with any rapid weight loss, there will be a drastic change in body recomposition. When taking such a medication it is possible to consume food much less nutrient-dense but still lose weight. Along with that, due to the decreased amount of calorie intake, you are more likely to have a smaller amount of energy leading to overall fatigue. So, although the number on the scale is changing and you can finally fit into that pair of jeans, you may not be able to carry those dreaded Christmas decoration totes from your basement as easily.
I asked some locals who I know have used this treatment if they have noticed any side effects and their answers were as follows. Both are women and have been taking it for over a year. One said that they did not experience any physical side effects but the other was the opposite, saying she noticed physical side effects but not mental. Just like the previous side effects I have stated, she faced some serious stomach discomfort which led to diarrhea and loss of appetite at times. But, on the other hand, another user of the product said that she did not notice any physical side effects but more mental. She said, “I don’t have any physical side effects but I love that I don’t think about food or crave snacks.” She also stated that it helps give her control over her mind. So there are some positives from this as well.
This still does not stop the fact that the drug is very new and there have not been enough studies to truly know how harmful it could be. Take cigarettes for example, people had been smoking them for decades before we realized the damage that they could do. Cigarette companies even went to the lengths of positively promoting the product and saying it has no impact on your health. Well, they were wrong because now we have seen countless ads of people facing the consequences of frequent smoking. Now who’s to say in 20 years from now we will not be the ones on the screen with a tube in our throats? All because we couldn’t get off the latest trends bandwagon.
It all sounds too good to be true until you stop taking your prescription. You magically lost all this weight without changing a single thing in your lifestyle because that was not necessary. Then, once you finally get to that “goal weight” you decide to quit taking it. You continue the way you were living on the shot but, you start to notice your clothes are feeling a little tighter and food is slowly becoming irresistible. You soon find yourself right back to where you started. But you’re doing the same thing you were when you were losing weight. What’s going on? This is because when such a drug is so glorified many tend to take it the wrong way. Meaning, they don’t create any other physical changes in their lifestyle like having a well balanced diet or regular exercise. These are some key things that help aid a maintainable weight loss. So although it may help check that “quick fix” box, it is not sustainable for a weight loss that can be maintained.
So, overall we now know the cost, side effects, and point of views about Ozempic or more specifically semaglutide. There will always be a new magic weight loss cure that everyone has to get their hands on. There will always be new juice cleanses, secret diet hacks, and a workout that will give you abs in two weeks. Whether we want a quick fix or a dedicated lifestyle switch up, we will always be trying to fix what is not broken in the first place. I think instead of prioritizing fixing on what is on the outside we should focus on what is on the inside because in the end, that is what really matters. Healing yourself from the inside out will not leave you with health issues or a bad relationship with food. It will not have people asking how you did it all so fast either. But, it will make people notice the light that you are as a person. People will notice how effortlessly you can go through life without a care in the world. And, it will leave you with a life that you will want to live to the fullest. Which is what we are truly meant for.