As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, people tend to find different ways to close out winter and prepare for summer. Spring changes range from getting a new hairstyle to buying new summer clothes and are common practices before the long sunny days and free time start. But, the most universal custom for preparation is the glorified spring cleaning. To some people, it may seem like a chore or a burden, but others take this as an opportunity to reset and start fresh for the new season.
The first step to spring cleaning is to have a plan. A plan is not required, but having an organized checklist will make tackling each task on the list easier. A checklist should include each room in the house and the tasks that need to be accomplished in each room. The second step to begin the cleaning process is to declutter. Pick up any small objects, dirty dishes, or random shoes lying around. Decluttering provides a good start before the deep clean actually begins. From there, you should be set to start tackling any goals you have for a clean house.
Many people have different orders for cleaning the house. Some like to go room by room, and others like to complete the same task in every room before moving on. If someone wants to complete the same task in every room, a good place to start is by dusting the surfaces. Make sure to dust the things people might not even notice such as ceiling fans, framed photos, and TV screens. Dusting throughout the house will lower allergy symptoms and improve the home’s air quality (
For some high school students, spring cleaning means unpaid labor. Sophomores Lauren Tocco and Oliva Parker share similar chores such as getting the pool in shape for summer and putting the outdoor furniture up. Junior, Bianca Panmei says her family members are each assigned a certain chore. Bianca is always in charge of deep cleaning the cars; she also says when spring comes around she cleans and organizes her closet by getting out her clothes for the warmer weather and puts her winter clothes away. A few personal chores I complete each year are cleaning the window screens and windows, dusting all surfaces in the house, and vacuuming the carpets.
Spring cleaning is an exciting but time-consuming activity that can be fun if it is not thought of as a burden. Having a set plan and a clear idea of what needs to be done throughout the house will make the process even easier, and having people to help will make the experience a little more enjoyable. Cleaning this spring will leave you feeling accomplished, and it will also leave your house feeling new and fresh. So this spring, if you have the chance to help out around the house and do some cleaning, it will leave you pleased with yourself and the outcome of everything you have done.