Living in the Moment


We have all been to a convocation or an event that took place in the auditorium. The principal announces to meet at the auditorium. We come in through all the doors and try to find our friends. Once we are seated, we chat with our friends waiting for whatever it is to start. Everyone is excited because convocations are rare and gets us out of class. We, we, we. What WE do not think about is how the speaker or presenters feel; how nervous they must be. No one ever thinks of the nerves running through the minds of each speaker, act, or singer. Being the audience is the easy part but now try being the one stared at by hundreds of eyes waiting to see what you have.

As the hands begin to shake, the knees get wobbly, and each stomach gets queasy, the music plays loud throughout the auditorium. “Do not mess up, Do not forget the words, and DO NOT fall,” repeats in the mind of each speaker. You see the faces of the crowd and you hear the people cheering your name as you approach the microphone. The familiar faces are a calming breath of fresh air as you begin to perform. As the song carries on, you start to feel more comfortable and relaxed. Once the song is over, you don’t want to leave the stage. You want to sit and take in every second of the crowd cheering for you, and enjoy the bravery you just put out to actually perform in front of a community of people.


When the curtains pull back and the lights rise to center stage, you take a quick glance to realize you know the person standing under the spotlight. It is exciting for the audience because every act is entertaining. It keeps the audience feeling ecstatic and curious to see who is up next and what they are going to do. In all honesty, some acts keep you engrossed in it and others makes your attention span drifts off.


No matter if you are in the crowd or standing in the center of the stage, nerves are in the air. The audience is anxious to see the performer and the person up on the stage is anxious to get it done and give their best. No matter if the act goes as planned or falls apart, everyone understands the stress of performing. Good or bad there is always support from the audience and there is no hate from the spectators that didn’t have the courage to do what the people upfront are doing.


Brooklyn and I thought that the variety show acts of 2018 were very entertaining and interesting. Not one act was the same as the other and each performer was different and unique in his/her own beautiful way. Even with the nerves backstage everyone did amazing. Everyone who was backstage was encouraging one another and hyping each other up. We were all telling each other how awesome they will do or have done and calming nerves. Tears and laughter came after each act but it was all a fun memory. Backstage actions are what truly make the show go on. All the encouragement to keep going is how every act held themself together to show the crowd everything they have.


All in all the show held interest, emotions, and laughs. Each act was spectacular and exciting to watch. A little message for the people that performed: keep up the great work and come back next year. You did an amazing job at entertaining the community. Everyone needs to give him/herself a pat on the back… including the audience. Without you, the show would just be another school convocation. You gave us the opportunity to show off exactly what the Lewis Cass Jr./Sr. High School student body is really made of. Everyone who went or was there in spirit made a huge contribution to it all. The performers did their best because of the support and energy the audience had given. Congratulations to all the people who performed and the staff who helped make all of this possible. We could not do this without you guys so thank you.