Eskimo Girl

I am just waking up from a warm and comfortable slumber. The devilish alarm has woke me up again. All the blankets and pillows make a cocoon of warmth around me even though my room reaches outside of the woodstove barrier.  My room could definitely be the coldest in my house, but I keep warm with an igloo of layers; my dad calls me “Eskimo girl.” So, putting a toe in ice cold water could be comparable to getting out of bed for me. Wait, I do have one last hope at this point. Scrolling through Twitter, I find out we have a cancellation, and all of a sudden the Hallelujah chorus plays in my head.

How could you not love a snow day? All the negative tweets are sickening to my home-bodied sole. I could probably stay home, eat comfort food, and rest for weeks. However, I would like to go out to a gym maybe to work off some calories I built up from being lazy. I love riding that line between too dangerous for school, but not dangerous enough to make quick trips into town. The only downside may be making up said snow days.

I used to always hate snow day make ups because they cut into my whole week of summer before cheerleading conditioning began. However, this year I will have no cheerleading, no summer band lessons, and no band camp. That totals a whole month of summer I’m gaining back just by being a senior. As far as make up snow days go, bring them on! I would much rather get out of bed early when the sun will be out earlier and shivering all the way to the morning shower won’t be an issue. Warmer weather makes for a happier, more ready to learn Katelyn. Plus, getting out of bed with less covers will be a lot easier.

This Eskimo girl cannot wait for summer, but a couple more snow days could always lessen the burden of waiting for the next seasons. Bring on the bad weather, and bring on the snow days, Mother Nature! Home-bodied and warm blooded people like me are begging for them.