Amazon Rainforest On Fire

Amazon Rainforest On Fire

-How Was the Fire Started?

     The fire originally started in June and July but it started getting noticed in August in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Peru. The fire was believed to have been started by a natural cause, the main reason for the huge fire was that it was elevated by dry weather. Some other reasons were logging, agriculture, and mining. Multiple fires were started and wind has spread the fires across the Amazon Rainforest.


 –What Are the Possible Effects of the Fire?

     The Amazon Rainforest supplies approximately 21% of oxygen, therefore, this forest is a huge part of all of our lives. This event will definitely affect our world. The damages are unknown and 2,700 acres have already burned in the time that the fires have been spreading. And as you may notice no major news outlets are talking about the fire. The United States election cycle is approaching.


-What Are We Doing About the Fires? 

     President Jair Bolsonaro has been wanting to help but has been denied the calls of the fires for months. He has a plan to contain the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest fire and controlling it to decrease the damage. This is important to him mainly because of money, the cost of all of this is high. He wants the fire to die down so the expenses of the damages won’t be as high, the more that the fire spreads, the more money is spent. Germany and Norway are at the brick of shutting down a 1.2 billion dollar conservation initiative because of the amazon. President Jair Bolsonaro has thanked Trump for the support of the fires and forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon between January and August surged by 84% from the same period in 2018.