Fast Food

Fast Food

       Fast food is something that millions of people eat everyday. McDonlads, Taco Bell, Burger King, Wendy’s, and Panda Express are all examples of fast food places. Whether you get it because you’re too lazy to cook for yourself, or you’re tempted to get a cheeseburger from the fast food place near you. They are easy places to get to and affordable as well. It’s something a lot of people around the world do. It’s a very common thing to do, “normal” even, but its perks also come with a big disadvantage. 

        Fast food is very unhealthy for you. The amount of calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats are just some of the many things that your average meals from fast food carry, and that you consume everyday.  Doctors have recommended to get fast food maybe once every month. It’s not because they don’t want you to eat, but because of how unhealthy it is. Fast food causes many different things to happen to your body. Doctors don’t say these things because they want to, but for your own good.  A lot of people face diseases and illnesses because of fast food, for example; diabetes and obesity. They are not always the result of fast food, but they help increase the risk of getting the illnesses. In my opinion, I think that it’s okay to eat it every once in awhile, maybe once every one to three weeks. If you decide to get it frequently, try and get some healthy foods in your system as well or any form of exercise.  

        We have no right to tell others what they can and cannot eat, but they are going to have to face the consequences when and if they get sick. Think “is there a healthier option?” next time you decide to get fast food.