Fall Break Farming


One thing I do outside of school is farming. This past week of fall break I worked the grain cart. The grain cart is a piece of equipment that is driven or operated by a tractor. The grain cart drives up to the combine and when the combine is full the driver will put the grain into the grain cart. Next, the grain cart then takes the grain to a semi. Then, the semi will then take the grain to grain bins, which are stored until about January. After that, the grain is taken and put it into bigger grain bins, which then is taken to different places and used for a variety of things. One of those things the grain is used for seed for next year’s planting/harvest. Another thing the grain is used for is feed. Not the food  humans eat, but feed for cows and pigs.

There’s more to the word “farming” then just fields and harvesting. You have to worry about planting. Planting is a bit harder job than just driving a tractor out to a field and just driving around, expecting the rows to form themselves. You have to make sure you are driving in a straight line so that during harvest the combine doesn’t have to go in different ways and also the obvious reason, so you know what you’ve already planted. The first time I started working on the farm and driving the tractor was when I was eight. My grandpa helped me drive from age eight on until I was twelve, when he got really sick with cancer and later passed away. The years he and I spent in the tractor,  he taught me how to drive it. Now I know that I can drive by myself, and I can drive safely.