Thanksgiving Shenanigans


Thanksgiving is known to be a time of thankfulness and coming together as a whole: the holiday where we can stuff ourselves with no shame or regret…maybe. All the goods are brought together to feast on as a family, to be thankful for each other and what has been provided for us. The food varies from mashed potatoes, green beans, turkey or ham, chicken and noodles,  and pumpkin pies in a regular household. For me, we had biryani, spring rolls, extra spicy noodles, and gulab jamun. Of course, some of our church members brought in some ‘traditional’ Thanksgiving dishes such as mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey, baked green beans, and pie. 

We had a Thanksgiving dinner at our church for the ones who stay home and do not travel afar or have anywhere to go. The people who come are close to my family and attend whatever events we host often. Many of our Indian friends came as well. Other countries do not normally celebrate Thanksgiving but still have a huge feast with family and friends during Thanksgiving time. The official term for it is harvest time. Back home in India, many of my family came together and feasted just like us but for different reasons. We celebrate Thanksgiving here quite seriously but is not taken as seriously in India. 

The following Friday after Thanksgiving is the famous Black Friday: the day where all stores are having big sales and the perfect opportunity to purchase a loved ones’ Christmas presents or to treat one’s self. I was supposed to go shopping in Kokomo with a couple of my friends, but plans changed last minute and I went shopping in Lafayette instead with my family. It was still fun shopping with them, but I felt very apologetic for not being able to go with my friends. 

After Black Friday, the thrill for shopping lovers are not over just yet. The Monday after is considered to be Cyber Monday: when everything online has amazing deals. I had planned on doing some shopping on Cyber Monday but decided against it because I was too busy and did not feel like wasting money on items I deemed unnecessary. 

Thanksgiving break was only five days long but felt like a whole week. It had been the only break that ever feels as if it went by slowly. Every other holiday time or break should feel like that. Once we come back to work or school, everything is going right back to where we left off. Homework is given out and tests are being taken. Due dates are approaching closer. All we have now are the memories we made during break and our full tummies.