Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler


     In class, we watched the Anne Frank movie. Anne Frank was a Jew. She, her family, and her family friends all stayed in a small attic like home for two years. They were hiding from the german leaders and the green police. If they were caught, her family would be split up and they would all go to a concentration camp, it could be either a work or death camp. One of the main leaders was Heinrich Himmler. He worked right under Hitler. 

       Heinrich Himmler was a big leader of the extermination of the Jews. We also refer to this as the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a time in history when a leader named Adolf Hitler convinced everyone that economic problems were caused by the Jewish people. This all began in 1933 and ended in 1945.

      Heinrich was chief of the German Police, and also leader of the SS. Many Nazi parties and many of the Jews that were eterminated were because of Heinrich. Himmler created and led a death camp called Dachau. When I read what a primary source, George Wolfgang Hallagarten wrote I got a better idea of what Heinrich looked like. In his own words he says he recalls he, “was of scarcely average size, but downright podgy, with an uncommonly milk-white complexion, fairly short hair, and already wearing gold-rimmed glasses on his rather sharp nose; not infrequently he showed a half-embarrassed, half-sardonic smile either to excuse his short-sightedness or to stress a certain superiority.” To me, Heinrich sounded like what you would refer to or think of as a nerd. Compared to the other police, he was also a lot shorter than most of them.

      When the war was ending, he tried to secretly negotiate the British surrender. Hitler found out and kicked him out of office. After the war ended, Himmler tried to disguise himself by using fake documents to cover his name. He only fooled the police for a limited time though and ended up getting caught on May 26,1945. He died the next day by committing suicide by drinking poison, he died right before he was about to be taken to jail.