
Covid has affected us all in many different ways. Some people are “homebodies” and are used to being home. They may work from home and enjoy having online delivery services (for food, shopping,etc). The elderly, who are in nursing homes, assisted living facilities or are homebound, (because of an illness, disability, etc.) may not be able to leave or be able to go out to do things for themselves. They have most of what they need where they are. If they need something, hopefully, they have the support of family or friends who can go get necessities or run errands. The elderly, who are homebound may suffer the most though. They are not getting to see the ones they love, get hugs they need and this is leading to depression.

I think for me, personally, one of the biggest struggles has been not being able to volunteer every week in the children’s ministry at church. Every Sunday, I would look forward to interacting with the toddlers. It made me feel like I was contributing. It was fun to help the kids by rocking them, holding them and playing with them. Since Covid, the kids ministry is closed. It is nice to have social media so we can all stay connected at church.