Student Schedule Changes

Have you ever got a schedule and most of your classes changed at the beginning of the semester or quarter? Well, it’s a total mess, especially when a lot of kids’ schedules have changed all at the same time. Not only are our classes changing, but our lunches are too. The only good thing about having a change of your schedule is that you can get used to something different. With a change of your schedule, you can have many benefits like making new friends, seeing new perspectives of teachers, and getting into new classes that are right for you.
First, let’s talk about the drawbacks of a schedule change. When getting a new schedule you might not know where that new class is and be late for the first day. Most of the time the teachers understand but even then it can be embarrassing to walk into a class late. Another thing that is bad about schedule changes is that you might walk in and none of your friends are in there. It is especially bad when that class is about group work and no one you are friends with are in there. But, the good thing about being in a class with none of your friends is you can get to know some other people. According to our friends, “Schedule changes are hard for us because we sometimes forget where we’re going.”
When a schedule gets changed your lunch can get changed too. Like this year in the second semester most of the kids and teachers thought the lunches would be the same. This made some kids that never had B lunch confused on what to do and where to go. Eventually, teachers and staff helped the students find where to go and what lunch they had. That really helped us out.
Some of the benefits of changing schedules is your classes can change to the right classes for you. More than likely the teacher won’t change your classes in the middle of the semester or quarter because it would mess up the teacher and kids. So you could be in a class that is not right for you for a while. Another good thing is you can make new friends or get closer to your other friends. When a teacher has you do group work they might randomize it and you can make new friends that way. Maybe even if they let you choose the groups, you can try grouping with someone new.
With a schedule change, there are a lot of benefits and drawbacks. Don’t panic if your schedule changes, with the help of teachers and staff, you will be fine. If your schedule changes, try finding the goods in what’s given to you, like making new friends, don’t only focus on the bad things. If you have a good mind-set, you can turn anything relating to confusing, bad, or just not the way you wanted, into the opposite.
Brooklyn hale • May 9, 2023 at 8:19 am
Love this Jenna you got a lot of good points and you talked a lot about how it effects different people, keep up the good work.
Natalie Banta • May 9, 2023 at 8:19 am
This was a great article Jenna! You made so great points about shedule changes. They can be stressful I like how you added in the parts about making new friends and gettinf different prespectives of the teachers.
Ethan Johnson • Jan 30, 2023 at 11:37 am
Good article Jenna! I agree that schedule changes can sometimes be stressful, but it’s all about mindset and how you deal with it. Forcing yourself to make new friends only grows you as a person, and the best way to adapt to a new schedule is to use your resources as well. This was a very informative article overall. Keep up the good work!
Nekoah • Jan 24, 2023 at 12:20 pm
I disagree, I disagree but you had some good points.The fact that kids might not know were there going is a good point.The one I disagree with is when you don’t have your friends in that class.The class is not for entertainment, the class is supposed to prepare you for your future and to help you learn about different things.
Noelani Perry • Jan 23, 2023 at 8:20 am
I agree because I had lunch with my best friend and that was the only time we really got to see each other now we only get to see each other during passing period because her schedule changed.
Madyson R • Jan 23, 2023 at 8:12 am
I think that this post supports a very good point, and it is also very true. Class changes can be very hard, but then again it can open us up to new experiences. Great job.
Kyler Corn • Jan 23, 2023 at 8:08 am
I agree getting new schedule can be very hard if you do not know were to go and if you are late then you need to walk the walk of shame.
Aaliyah goff • Jan 23, 2023 at 8:07 am
I can really understand were your coming from because I used to have B lunch and I still do but last semester I had none of my friends in lunch with me but then all my friends got a new schedule so they a got B lunch.