Is Andrew Tate A Bad Person?

Is Andrew Tate A Bad Person?

Andrew Tate has become one of the most popular men on the internet. His rise to fame from a kick boxer to a multi millionaire is pretty crazy. His life is pretty interesting and can tell you a lot about him, but that is not what I am interested in at the moment. He is widely known for his controversial thoughts and opinions. He is claimed to be a misogynist by a lot of people. He has recently been arrested and charged for sex trafficking and rape. He is being held in a Romanian prison with his brother. They allegedly run a sex trafficking business through Romania with their multi million dollar house and cars. They live a very luxurious life and all of their properties and assets are being taken away from them. He has not been convicted and remains in prison. He has been in prison for over a month and a half after multiple 30 day extensions have been made on his retainment. I don’t personally think his social media message was bad. He did long podcasts that were then made into short clips. Some people took these clips out of context and resulted in hating the man. He was the most Googled man on the planet recently and is very popular. I don’t understand how he can be in prison if they haven’t charged him with anything. He has waited long enough and even longer with the extensions. He is innocent until proven guilty. He is still active on his Twitter account through his team. He is letting his fans know what is happening to him. There are now women who are speaking out against the charges. The original charges were from a couple of women claiming to be part of the sex trafficking. There are a lot more women now that are claiming him to be a true, kind, and honest man. I personally don’t know what to believe. I know that if the authorities have taken him, then they probably have viable evidence, but if they did, then why hasn’t he been pressed with these charges. I believe that the media plays a big role in peoples’ opinions and that people should look deeper than just the headline of an article. I hope that he didn’t do these awful things, and if he didn’t then he needs to be freed. I also think that there are a lot of people who like to come out with allegations that aren’t true to gain fame, money, etc. In today’s society this is not unusual at all. This happens with actors, athletes, etc. It makes it hard to believe anything that we see or hear on news or social media. I hope that justice is served and if he did these horrible things, he should be in prison. I would also like to see more truth and reliability in the social media world.