The Book for All

The Book for All

The most phenomenal and informative books can be found from anywhere all over the world.  Now, could you name one book off the top of your head that has helped you tremendously?  A book to reach for in times of happiness, sorrow, success, and even failure.  Almost every book talks and speaks upon a lesson learned.  That could be a bad lesson or a good lesson.  There is one book in particular that stands out to me, the Bible.  The Bible helps develop maturity and is a mentor for anyone who gives a glance at it and learns from its lessons. It provides you with all sorts of stories of disciples and people who went through trials and tribulations along with those who experienced happiness and joy in the presence of the Lord. 

Reading the Bible to help develop your maturity is a great accomplishment and will help you navigate the rough areas in your life.  While growing up, if you are struggling to find the right way, the Ten Commandments are the way to start.  The list of Commandments gives specific directions on day to day life.  The lessons learned from this list range from what should be a simple rule of obeying your parents to not giving false information about your friends.  The maturing process comes as we grow up, learn the Commandments, and implement them into our daily routine. 

In addition, the Bible can be used to mentor us as we grow through challenging times.  The greatest mentor of all time was Jesus Christ.  He took twelve men under His wing and taught them all about God’s love and how to love others.  Christ did not choose the most qualified, He chose the common man, just like me.  He took those twelve men and built the church.  These same lessons he used to teach these men are still relevant to teach people in today’s world.  Using Christ as a mentor today helps anyone develop Godly traits and strong character that is not easily swayed.

Furthermore, many people argue that the Bible is not relevant anymore, even though it gives some of the best lessons that apply to life.  On the contrary, Christians believe that these lessons are maybe even more relevant today during these difficult times.  The Bible is full of instruction, this instruction is not dated, instead it can be applied throughout the good and bad areas of our life.  Just as when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus when he was walking on water, this shows us today what happens to us when we take our eyes off of Him.  The lessons are just as relevant today as they have always been.

Outstanding and informing books can be found right under your nose.  The number of books that help you mature, that mentor you, and that teach you lessons are endless.  The Ten Commandments, Jesus leading the disciples, and stories just like Peter, shows how the Bible contributes to your maturity, can be used to mentor us as we grow, and provides us lessons to live by.