Jr .High Student Life

Lewis Cass is a great school and has a wide variety of things to offer, such as sports, band, choir, and great educational courses. Today we will be talking about some of Lewis Cass’s extra-curricular activities. Maybe after reading this article, you might join one of them too!
Every year, there is a musical at Lewis Cass. This year, the musical of choice is Oklahoma! Mrs. Dubois so far has done a terrific job teaching us fun choreography and catchy rodeo songs for the musical. If you’re wondering what the musical is about, Oklahoma is about a romantic love story between courageous cowboy Curly and sassy farmer Laurey. While on Curly and Laurey’s fun road to romance, you get to watch and experience all the bizarre excitement going on in the extraordinary plains of lovely Oklahoma. Practicing in the musical so far has been a very exciting way to meet some new friends and have fun. I would definitely recommend coming to see the musical in person because it has been a terrific experience working with all the cast and Mrs. Dubois. If you’d like to come to our show, the musical dates are April 21, and 22 at 7:00 P.M.
Drama club is a fun way to express yourself and act with others. It would be good for more people to join the drama club because it is comforting and exciting. The community in drama is generally amicable as well, it makes me feel so welcomed! This semester, the drama club is doing a stupidly funny play called Chateau La Roach, which is about a hotel with a horrid roach infestation. But lucky for the hotel, just when the number of roaches starts to increase, the health inspector pays them a visit. This play is full of super comedic moments and a couple of plot twists that will leave you shocked! If you like to act, I would totally recommend joining Drama club.
Recently, the Adv. 7th grade English class has started going over to the elementary school and reading/working with the first and third graders. Last time we went over, we worked with first graders and helped them write grammatically correct sentences. It was so much fun getting to know the kids we worked with. It was also nostalgic seeing old faces, and remembering what first and third grade was like for us! I hope the Adv. 7th English class can do this more often because it has been such an exciting experience. And getting to help first and third graders learn new things makes me feel so good, too.
The activities for Junior High students are endless. There are activities from sports, to singing, dancing, and helping out. Drama, the musical, and buddy reading are just a few of our favorites! These things benefit us by giving us friendships, things to do after school, and you get to be yourself. If you were ever interested in any of these, maybe you could consider joining, too.
Summer Johnson • May 9, 2023 at 10:53 am
This article was great because you mentioned what the musical Oklahoma was about and information about it as well. Great job!