Oprah Winfrey Changes the World

Changing the world sounds easier than it truly is. Yet Oprah Winfrey, a talk show hostess, changes the world with every passionate thing she does. Coming from a prejudice childhood, she strives to help and set an example for everyone. Oprah has changed the world in such dramatic way that people don’t always pay attention to her accomplishments.


New York Times described Oprah as, “Moving onto Her Next Best Life.” Through Oprah’s words she says, “I don’t think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself and had to make good.” She went through tough times facing discrimination, racism, and many other things while trying to start a career.  In 1986, “The Oprah Winfrey” show became an expansion of a local talk show called, “AM Chicago.” In 2000, she became a part-owner and founder of a cable network aimed for women called Oxygen. Oprah’s network made over 5,000 shows helping women with problems or questions that they might want help understanding.  Oprah later made “Oprah After The Show” because of such a high demand of questions.


Oprah Winfrey described her show to Publisher’s Weekly. “We were living it, doing it, and being a part of all the experiences we were showing.” Oprah has changed the outlook on society. With all the diversity and racial actions being shown to her or her even having to experience, she always makes a point to say, “we are in it together.” Publisher’s Weekly points out, no matter the person, their background, she sees the problem, and makes you feel like you are not alone. She unites people as one. Her being open, and loving, and caring, inspires the world to make a change. Being a very independent, successful talk show hostess for so long, people have learned and developed a liking of her words. She is different, something unexpected in the TV world, or in the real world. She teaches viewers how to live life with a purpose.

Her increasing fame and popularity increased rapidly.  Time Magazine stated she represented African American women everywhere, giving them hope that they can do it. Oprah states, “You lead life; it doesn’t lead you. Lead yourself your own way, what you will find along the way will be fantastic, because what you’ll find will be yourself.” Oprah pushes and strives for being you. No matter what race or gender, you can be you and be successful. She started at the bottom and look where she is. She believed that she could change the world, and she’s doing it one step at a time.