Technology and Laziness

cartoonThroughout time, technology has always been there, although it was never as hi-tech as it is now. Day by day our devices become smarter than us. From car doors that open with a button, a fingerprint to unlock your phone, and being able to turn your lights off with just an app, technology is advancing. The world around us relies on technology. By having everything at our fingertips, this nation is becoming lazy and unsafe.

On today’s cell phones, apps are made to make life much easier. I could open and shut my garage door just with my phone. Locking and unlocking doors can also be done by a simple app. America is making its way to being known as the fattest country. With all these new devices coming out, we never have to move a muscle. All electronic devices are able to do more than ever. How long does it take to get up and turn off the light, lock your door, or change the channel- not very long. Electronic devices seem to be becoming a part of us as a person.

What is one thing you never leave the house without? Ten years ago many would say their purse or their wallet, but now it is, “my cell phone.” I am just as guilty as anyone; I always make sure to grab my phone in the morning before I have anything else. But are we to dependent on our devices? Many are so wrapped up in their device that they pay little to no attention to the real world. Our nation has reached a new problem that is continually becoming worse, texting and driving.

By texting and driving you are not only putting your life at risk, you are putting everyone else at risk as well. One quick glance at your phone could be an eternity. By the time you glance up you have traveled across the median into oncoming traffic. All because you could not wait to read or reply to a message, your life or someone else’s has been taken. This all could have been avoided if our devices were not so attached to our hip. Many phone companies have anti-texting and driving commercials, but how much do they do? Many teens believe they are invincible and pay little to no attention to these commercials, they think, “that will never happen to me,” wrong.  Taking your eyes off the road to read or send a message takes 4.6 seconds, which is the equivalent of driving fifty-five miles per hour down a football field blindfolded. Think about doing just that and visualize the outcome, it is not a very good outcome.

Laziness and unsafe driving conditions is becoming an every day thing. If we could get up for five seconds to change the channel, or wait to reply to a message, most of these problems could be solved. Yes, technology is important but too much of something can be a bad thing. Reducing our laziness by not using these apps so much can easily help. Also, before you look down at the message you have just received; think about the consequences of this action. Use common sense–  put the phone down.