The photo captures the moment

The photo captures the moment

A picture is worth a thousand words. A picture has the power to capture a moment and make it more than a memory.  Pictures tell stories about our life: what happened, how we aged, how times changed, how we are what we are today. Pictures are priceless whether it be a good memory, or not so good memory you will never get it back. Behind every photograph a story is found.

The girl in the picture is determined.  I remember feeling agonizing pain stream down my spine as though a blade was carving a sketch into my back. After my back surgery, standing up for the first time is a memory that will be imprinted in my head forever. The physical therapist came into my room, and my worst fear was about to happen. While helping me sit up in bed , he placed his hands gently on my sides to help support my back. When I sat up I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. While screaming at the top of my lungs, I fought to keep tears from my eyes. Every step felt like a marathon race, a race I did not want to run.

When looking at the picture, my mind is overwhelmed with emotions. Even though I dreaded the thought of having to get out of bed, I knew my well-being depended on it.  The first time I walked everyone in the room was a puddle of tears. I remember looking over at my mother crying yet smiling at the same time. My father had acted brave, but I knew he was weak. Each step shot blazing rages of pure pain into my body.

Most children learn to walk around age two, but for a girl who walked the day after a twelve hour back surgery is remarkable. The girl in the picture is determined. She is determined to walk, to run, to climb, and to be herself again.