All-Sport Sectionals

As we enter the beginnings of fall, we also enter the world of sectionals for all fall sports. How a team performs at sectionals determines whether or not they will advance onto regionals or if the season ends right there and then. No one wants their season to end, especially if it is the last season they will ever get with that sport. Therefore, everyone has the drive to play and run their hardest to help their team. Some sports have already had their sectionals and others are yet to occur.Â
The boys tennis team has already had their sectionals and even though they made it all the way to the championship, they sadly did not advance and lost to Twin Lakes. The loss was a tough one for the boys and very disheartening, but each and every one of the players did outstanding individually and fought till the end as a team. The bond that a team has is unlike any other bond. Losing the opportunity to see everyone everyday at practices is a hard pill to swallow. The memories and bond will never waver though, even though the whole team misses doing what they love together immensely. For most, there is always a next year, but for some, this is the last. In addition to that, girls golf season has also ended for a little while now and I am sure that that was just as bittersweet as the boys tennis. It is safe to say that we are all proud of all of their performances and accomplishments.Â
Girls and boys cross-country teams had their Sectionals meet this Saturday starting at 10:30 am. Each team has been grinding and putting in the work to hopefully advance to the regionals meet the following week. We have potential, but anything is possible. All we can do is perform our best and push each other just as much as we push ourselves. Seeing the statistics, the outcome looks promising, but going out to the course all cocky never helps an athlete’s performance. The girls fortunately advanced to the Regionals meet which will be held at Logansport again.Â
Furthermore, the football team will be playing their Sectionals game in about two weeks. The team just had their draw to see who they would face for the first round of Sectionals and the obvious goal is to advance all the way till the end. Even though the season has not seemed much promising this year, it is always good to stay optimistic. Not only will the senior football players be playing their last game, but the cheerleaders will be cheering their last as well. Everything is all happening so fast, and it is all so bittersweet.Â
In conclusion, fall sports are coming to an end slowly but surely and I do not know how to feel about it. Of course, seniors are ready to graduate high school and move on with their life, but at the same time we do not want to leave our underclassmen or the memories we have here. Everyone always says that they can not wait to graduate, but find out later in life that they wish they could go back to high school. I, and many other student-athletes, are trying to savor our precious time in this school and in the sports we participate in. Do not forget to come out and support the cross country team tomorrow morning at Logansport High School at 10 am, as well as the football team’s sectional coming soon in two weeks. Go Kings!Â
Carson Rowe • Feb 10, 2022 at 12:20 pm
Great jobs on the article! I really like how you included a lot of information about a bunch of sports.
Ally Berry • May 5, 2021 at 10:06 am
Great Job on your article! I really liked how you included information on all of the fall sports!
Nolan Hines • Jan 14, 2021 at 1:46 pm
Awesome job on the article. I liked the attention to detail about all the different sports being played last fall
Brody • Jan 14, 2021 at 1:45 pm
Great article! I like how you talked about how you include all of the sports. Keep up the good work.
Braxton Armstrong • Oct 27, 2020 at 9:49 am
Great article Bella! I like how you talked about all the different sports and how they did. Sadly I was not able to run sectionals because of quarantine but it sounds like the girls team did good. Great article, keep up the good work!
Madison Cummins • Oct 26, 2020 at 8:30 am
This is such a good article Bella! It is so well written, and it’s so interesting hearing about the Sectionals for all of the fall sports! I am incredibly proud of my fellow senior classmates and how hard everyone has worked to make it to their last year of Sectionals. You have such an optimistic mindset and I wish you the best for the rest of senior year!
Ethan Johnson • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:18 am
Great article Bella! All of Lewis Cass’s sports have done a great job throughout the season, but Sectionals separates who wants it more bottom line. Tennis Season was also very fun, and it ended very sadly; all the boys tried their hardest and that’s all that anyone could ask for. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Senior season and the cross-country team advances farther! Keep up the good work!
Liberty • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:17 am
I loved this article Bella! I appreciate how you included all the teams that competed in sectionals in the past few weeks. Senior year is a sad and exiting experience both at the same time. You’ve done an amazing job this year and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to run with you.
Lexi Freeman • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:15 am
Great article! I know that this year is hard for the seniors, with your seasons ending and everything moving so fast, but it will all be worth it! Even though we weren’t sure that we would have all of the fall sports, we made it through the whole season! Keep up the good work!
Felix Palafox • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:14 am
This is a great article Bella! I like how you talked about Sectionals for every fall sport here at Lewis Cass and showed support. Even though some sports had an unfortunate end to their season you still showed support and encouragement. The girls cross country team has had a pretty good season so far, and I wish you good luck for Regionals on Saturday. Keep up the great articles.
Aiden Martinez • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:12 am
This article is very well written. This mindset applies to a lot of non-sport extracurricular activities as well. Many of the students in other clubs and activities are seniors who have been in that particular program as soon as they could, and parting with the friends and family they’ve made is hard for a lot. It’s nice to see something such as this be brought into the light more.
Josh Vandeburg • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:10 am
Good article. I run on the XC team and it is a bit sad for our season to be ending for most of us. We fortunately had one runner able to move on, but not the whole team. Somewhat fortunately, we only have one senior this year so we won’t be saying good-bye to too many people.
Jesse Morgan • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:10 am
Great article! It’s always interesting to look into sports outside of our own. Sports and extracurricular activities play a much bigger role in life than many people give them credit for. Thanks for sharing!
Tianna Casner • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:09 am
Good article Bella! All of us are incredibly proud of everyone participating in sports this fall! Each team has put in a great deal of work and effort and it’s great to watch it pay off. Hopefully those who have sectionals coming up will do great. Keep up the good work!!
Erika Johnson • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:08 am
Good job writing this article Bella! I really enjoyed reading this and getting an update on how all the fall sports are doing! Keep up the great writing!
Jenna Roeske • Oct 15, 2020 at 9:04 am
I loved reading your article Bella. I enjoyed reading about the other fall sports. I hope you have great rest of your senior season.
Olivia Packard • Oct 15, 2020 at 8:11 am
Awesome job Bella! I’m so excited to see where the cross country team ends up, and I can’t wait to see how the football team does! Keep up with the great writing, you did a really good job!
Gannon Davis • Oct 15, 2020 at 8:05 am
Great article Bella! I enjoyed reading your article about the sectionals that are going on for our fall sports. The tennis sectional championship was definitely a heart breaker because we were so close to winning it this year. It seems like cross-country will do really well come sectional time. I think the football team can do well if they play the best they can. Keep up the fantastic writing!
Preston Parker • Oct 13, 2020 at 2:44 pm
Bella, I really liked your article! Your thought process about sports and how the season is about to go is very intriguing to me. Keep up the good work!
Jack Salyers • Oct 13, 2020 at 8:19 am
What an amazing article Bella! I really enjoyed reading about all the other fall sports an their Sectionals. I really hoped you enjoyed your Senior Season. Keep up the great writing.