Was it Ever Real?

Has anyone ever had the feeling of Deja Vu or felt the effects of the “Mandela effect”? If you have not heard of Deja Vu, it is the feeling that you have experienced or seen something that you feel like has happened already before. Mandela effect is when a “large group of people remember something differently than how it occurred” according to Healthline. More than often I experience Deja Vu and on rare occasions I have a feeling that I actually have seen something different than how it must have been, just like the Kit Kat brand name. Many people insist there is a dash in between the two words when in reality, it seems to never have been there. Experiencing these have people believing in conspiracy theories and the idea of an alternate universe.
The possibility of KitKat having a hyphen occurs very often and can quite frankly easily trip someone up. The occurrence of the Mandela effect happens more frequently than we would think. According to GoodHousekeeping, people wonder if George from Curious George even had a tail! Now that I am re-reading all of these conspiracies, I too am questioning if anything was ever even real the first time. The beginning of this effect is when Nelson Mandela had passed away. Many people distinctly remember him passing away in prison, but others believe he died just from a prolonged respiratory infection in South Africa. This was the start of the Mandela effect.
People also experience this effect with food as well. An example of this is the peanut butter brand Jif. Many believe that it was Jiffy all along, but the name on the jar says otherwise. Will we ever find out what it really was all along? The effect goes beyond just food items, it also includes popular cartoon shows. Think back to watching bugs bunny and his friends. Was the title Looney Tunes or Looney Toons? The world may never know! The more I am researching these conspiracy theories, the more amazed and confused I get. The Mandela effect can even be as tiny as a change in one letter. People have even argued over if “The Berenstain Bears” was spelled with an “a” after the “t” or with an “e”. To me, both names look so normal to me that I don’t even remember what I had thought what it was before.
All in all, I had an incredible time researching all these cool conspiracy theories revolving around the Mandela effect. If you want to look at some of your own just google it and prepare to be astonished. Some of these I have heard before already and others I was shocked to see. I find it so interesting that everyone has a different perspective of how things were said or done based on their memory or by what someone had said. I would love to know if you experienced the same things or anything new down below!
Kylee Foust • Mar 9, 2022 at 12:05 pm
I’ve had deja vu a lot, but I never even realized it was so similar to the Mandela affect. I honestly thought the KitKat thing was more of a debate. Good job!
Ava Hubner • May 19, 2021 at 9:52 am
Great article Bella!! I have heard about the Mandela Affect but I never really knew what it was, but now I do. I have also experienced Deja Vu, maybe even once a day. Keep up the good writing!
Anna Hedrick • May 19, 2021 at 9:44 am
This article was fun to read! It feels so weird when you feel like you have already experienced the same thing your about to do. The Mandela effect is also super weird to. I have been realizing that a bunch of things I though were true aren’t.
Olivia Packard • Mar 15, 2021 at 10:53 am
Great article Bella! I love the way that you wrote this and you really did do super well on it. I get Deja Vu a lot and sometimes it just gets plain weird! I get it a lot throughout the day. Keep it up!
Howard Byrd • Feb 24, 2021 at 10:03 am
I almost always have Deja Vu when I sleep. I will dream about something, then in real time I will notice that it seems familiar. Just a couple of months ago I remember going to bed and thinking about rainy weather. Next morning, raining like it was normal. I told my brother and still think it was not a coincidence. That still happens to me now. Creative Idea and great article.
Alexis Alford • Feb 24, 2021 at 10:02 am
Good job! I have heard of Mandela Effect before and it was just confusing to me! I have also felt Deje Vu before when I play basketball or do a speech, I always think I did a different thing then what I did.
Rochelle Pense • Feb 17, 2021 at 12:41 pm
Great article Bella! I liked how you included several different examples of the Mandela effect in your article. I’ve been seen all these Mandela effects for years now, and it really makes me wonder why so many people it remember one way when in theory it has never been like that. Keep up the great work!
Ruby Villanueva • Feb 17, 2021 at 11:55 am
Great article! I never really put much thought into what is real or fake.
Madison Schreckenghaust • Feb 17, 2021 at 11:54 am
I’ve heard a lot about the Mandela Effect and it always confuses me too! I also have felt Deja Vu and it’s really weird!
Allara Henry • Feb 10, 2021 at 10:00 am
Great article! Sometimes I wonder what is real and what is fake, how something is spelled, or if it has a hyphen in it or not.
Daniel Guijosa • Feb 10, 2021 at 9:57 am
I think I’ve experienced deja vu before when I was packing my lunch.