Letter to Younger Students
One day, you will be walking the halls of Lewis Cass Junior Senior High School. The halls may be crowded, the lunches may be the worst thing ever, or the teachers might not show up to your standards. Even though high school may seem frightening at first, there will be some of the best memories from the horrible experiences.
Middle school is the worst part about Lewis Cass because you do not fit in with the high schoolers yet, and you are the underdogs for three years.Middle school is where the recess will end, and the boys do not shower. The homework also starts to progress in middle school with math and english assignments. Overall, middle school has a lot of fun projects despite the transition into the bigger school.
Freshman year is the year of exploring your options. My freshmen year included trying out new sports, clubs, and activities to be more involved at the school. My favorite thing was FFA then because of all the field trips we went on in it, since we did not take any other field trips that year. Mr. Jones’ english class will be boring is just a warning, but you will always feel reguivinzed after his classes if you fall asleep. Biology may be a struggle but you will eventually get through it with all of the projects you will have. Overall, freshman year was the year to adapt to change between middle school and highschool.
Sophomore year was a rollercoaster to say the least. We went to school like normal until March of 2020. That is when we went virtual for Covid-19. Besides Covid sophomore year was more comfortable because you will get to know teachers and students more, take more electives, and branch out on what you are interested in. Mr. Miller was the best science teacher that I have had at Lewis Cass. He would always help us with our chemistry, do lots of labs, and bring us Klondike bars to enjoy. Even though we were shut down towards the end of the year, sophomore year was more enjoyable than freshman year.
Junior year was a challenging year because you are trying to get an idea of what you want to do after you graduate, taking harder courses, and finding out what activities you enjoy. This is also the year that you may drift away from some of your closest friends since preschool. My junior year was helpful in allowing me time to progress in some academic areas, and gain some life skills and job experiences that I would not learn anywhere else. Overall, junior year may challenge your brain, but it will prepare you for the future ahead.