Students should be allowed to bring backpacks to classes because that will prevent the students from being tardy, lockers could be jammed, and they make the classroom cleaner. These are all of our reasons why students should bring their backpacks into classes. The students won’t be late for class because they would have already had their backpacks. Students should be trusted to not bring anything that might harm others. The school also can use metal detectors by purchasing them on an official website. The metal detectors can be just like the ones from the airports ( the small ones).The metal detectors would scan for dangerous weapons.The students would have easier access to class work. They will also not have to go to their lockers in between classes.
The next reason is that the students’ lockers could get jammed because of their backpacks. Their backpacks could be too big for their locker and could get stuck in between the locker door and the locker. This could make them even more tardy than before. People with after school activities need an extra backpack which can add to the full locker. This is one of the reasons why we should bring backpacks to school.
The last reason is that the classrooms will be more tidy, the student could slide the backpacks under their desks. The students can line their backpacks against the wall or along the desks. They could keep their school things in their backpacks rather than keeping their things on their desk. The students have to get up and take away class time to get items from their locker and that will distract the class. The students will also not forget things in their lockers like a pencil.
These are all great reasons why we should bring our backpacks into classes. They include, preventing students from being tardy, lockers could be jammed, and it makes the classroom cleaner.
Cameron Cohee-”We should have backpacks because it would allow more time for students to learn in class since they won’t have time to run to their lockers and back to class.”
Hunter Craig- “I think backpacks should be allowed in class because students wouldn’t forget anything because it would be in their bag and they are convenient to have and carry around.
Emilynn Rowe– “I think we should bring our backpacks into class because it would be more helpful. Everything we need will be in our bag instead of going all the way out to our locker and getting it.”
Lynnsey Ramer- “Backpacks should be allowed in our class because some people can’t open their lockers to get their stuff for class. Another reason is that backpacks are very useful for some people.”
Mrs. Maloy: “I like that there are no bags this year. I do not have to worry about students having as many distractions or students tripping over each other’s bags when we are moving throughout the classroom.”
Trinity Singleton- “I think backpacks should be allowed in class because it makes it easier for students to get their stuff and so that way they don’t have to run to their lockers all the time.”
Elleney Bridges-” I think backpacks should be allowed in the classes because it is easier to get things out for classes and when people go to their lockers they could be late to the classes.”
Oakland Preston • Nov 19, 2024 at 10:53 am
I think that backpacks could be good in class so that kids can get to class quicker.
CJ Wells • Sep 15, 2023 at 1:00 pm
I love this article because it has good explanation on why we should be able to have our backpacks. I believe that we should have our backpacks because like you said kids that have after sports activities lockers become really full and I think it would be better to have a organize locker instead of having to have it all smashed into you locker. ?
Alyssa Plank • Sep 15, 2023 at 12:56 pm
I agree that we shod be able to bring her backpacks in the class. Because even my locker games jammed a lot of people’s due to and that is why we should be able to bring your backpacks into class. Hayden Tocco and Kaylin Hough you did a very good job.
Kathrynn Wade • Sep 15, 2023 at 12:06 pm
I agree with this article because I think we should be able to have our backpacks. The only reason why I agree with this is because there are so many lockers that get jammed every single day. But at the same time kids could have things in their bag that are not allowed at school but that’s why you could get your bag searched. I understand why they don’t want backpacks in the classroom but if you think about it, not all kids are trouble kids. That’s why every time someone goes into a class the teachers might have to search the bags because you have no idea what is in the backpack but after they get done searching the bags they could go out into the hallway.
Hunter Craig • Sep 14, 2023 at 10:28 am
I agree with this article because I have been tardy to many times to class because of not have my back pack with and forgetting my things.
grace corn • Sep 13, 2023 at 2:25 pm
I agree with this article because I think we should be able to have our backpacks. The only reason why I agree with this is because there are so many lockers that get jammed every single day. But at the same time kids could have things in their bag that are not allowed at school but that’s why you could get your bag searched. I understand why they don’t want backpacks in the classroom but if you think about it, not all kids are trouble kids. That’s why every time someone goes into a class the teachers might have to search the bags because you have no idea what is in the backpack but after they get done searching the bags they could go out into the hallway.
Luis Villamar • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:53 pm
I both disagree and agree, I agree because some people are tardy for class ,and they sometimes forget what they need for class so they would have to disrupt class just to get the thing they needed. But I also disagree because people can have their phones pulled out during class and they can plan bad things or meet in the bathroom, they can also bring weapons to school, but if they do add a metal detector it won’t be such a problem. Overall this article was great! Thinking about the metal detector was smart.
Ryleigh Lutsi • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:46 pm
I agree with this and i also think that backpacks should be allowed in classes because if we have our backpacks we don`t need to go to our lockers as much, or be late to class. Also if you left something in your locker you need to go get it then you might miss what your teacher was talking about. This article was very well written, good job!
CJ WELLS • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:46 pm
I love this article because it has good explanation on why we should be able to have our backpacks. I believe that we should have our back packs because like you said kids that have after sports activities lockers become really full and I think it would be better to have a organize locker instead of having to have it all smashed into you locker. ?
Caleb Harrold • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:43 pm
I completely agree with this article especially with the part on how it could make sure students aren’t tardy too class because that can hurt a kids attendance even if its not their fault.
JaNyah • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:43 pm
I agree because i’ve been late to over 4 classes in the last 3 weeks for getting stuff in my locker or bathroom for people in there .
Elizabeth Brettin • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:36 pm
I agree with that because a lot of people can be late and it won’t be their fault because the locker can get stuck so it will make them late to class.
Maleia Landes • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:31 pm
I agree with you because my locker gets jammed and I am almost late to class. It would save me time in the morning because I have to go to my locker and then go to the other side of the billing. My arms get so tired of carrying my things.
Emily Baber • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:30 pm
I think being able to take backpacks into the classrooms would help because if I forgot my science book or my English book I would have to interrupt the class to get the book from my locker. This article was well supported on what Hayden thought and why lockers may be problems with kids problems. Hayden supported the topic very well and made the passage interesting to read, expressly when I have to go through it as well.
Emily Hylton • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:26 pm
I agree with this article because if you are injured and you cannot get in your locker. This is a very well supported article and they are very right.
brogen younts • Sep 13, 2023 at 1:25 pm
I agree with this because I’ve been late too multiple classes inside a go to. My locker and sometimes stock market stuck in sometimes the code gets messed up.
Laveah Smith • Sep 13, 2023 at 11:03 am
I agree with this because i have been tarty to class a few times because of my locker being jammed or the hallways being crowded with too many people for me to get to my locker. I think that Hayden and Kaylin are right, Bringing our bags to class would not arm and one, and we wouldn’t have to be in a hurry to get to our lockers. I think that the classrooms would be more tidy if we brought our bags to class because, we would have our bag with us just to put all of our belongings in our bag. I also think that the students would not forget their stuff for class because i would be in there bag and it would already be there for them. That is why we should have our bags for class.
Elleney Bridges • Sep 13, 2023 at 11:03 am
I agree with your story because we need to carry our backpacks because we could be late to class while we are going to our lockers or forget things in out locker .
Owen Lee • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:52 am
I thought this was a very well written article because it talked about why Backpacks should be aloud in class rooms and the quotes was probably my favorite part.
King Underwood • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:52 am
I think this is a very nice and factual article. I think that we should be able to bring our backpacks in class because it would make it easier for students that have difficult locker combinations or lockers that jam often. Great job guys!!
Emilynn Rowe • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:49 am
I agree with the article, because there are a lot of scenarios that could happen with your locker or just in general. You could be late for class because your locker might be jammed or it just won’t open and if you bring your backpack to class you can get anything you need without going to your locker.
Dodger Musselman • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:48 am
I think we should not have backpacks because students may get hungry and have food in their backpacks and start eating their food.They may have a phone in their backpack and someone may try to steal their phone or take someone’s backpack.
Zakary Malott • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:45 am
I agree with this because i have been tardy almost 4 classes yesterday and it does not help that i have a broken finger so it is more difficult to get inside my locker.There are so may reasons that we should be able to bring our backpack to classes and one is that what if you have a broken leg or finger,hand ,and a arm so it is more difficult to go places without getting heart so you got to go slower that it does not get injured even more so you would be tardy if you just had your backpack you would not be tardy and you would have all the utensil needed.
Brooklyn • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:45 am
I think this article is right, I think that we deserve to bring our back packs to class because it would take up less time than going to your locker between classes and having to rush back to class.
Gabby • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:44 am
I agree that we should be able to bring our backpacks it would make things so much easier . There are times when I have to go to the bathroom but first I have to walk all the way to my locker to get stuff it would be easier if I could just grab my bag and go to the bathroom . We could use the medal detectors to make sure kids don’t have anything there not supposed to . it would make it quicker to get to class and not be tardy . Because if we have to many tardy’s we have after school detention. So I think we should have our backpacks in the classroom.
Trayvin • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:39 am
I agree with the reasons why we should have backpacks in class because some students forget things in their locker but if they would be able to have their backpack in class they would have it in their backpack and nobody would have to disturb the class to go get something out of their locker.
Audrey • Sep 13, 2023 at 9:02 am
I agree with all of this because some of our lockers are really picky about the numbers and some of our lockers won’t even open. So I think we should be allowed to bring our backpacks in classes because it won’t make the teachers mad about us being late and plus I think it would be really smart for them to let us bring our backpacks into classes like you can just scan them like they said, Plus you could use those scan thingys in air ports where is X-rays everything so then you could see if kids had anything legal on them like Ex: a vape or a gun,
Destinee Anglin • Sep 13, 2023 at 9:00 am
¨ I think we need to have backpacks in class because it is better for us kids not to be late for class ¨
Esmeralda • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:59 am
I think this is a very well written article. I like how you guys wrote it and supported it! I agree with this article very very much!
Tenley Rodabaugh • Sep 13, 2023 at 10:52 am
I fully agree with you guys I think that students should be allowed to have backpacks in class because it can keep students more organized. If a student has a paper that they need to turn in but they can’t go to there locker to get it. Then if they already have their backpack with them then they won’t have to leave to get it and it would just be a lot better and easier.
Raven. Renee. Shuck • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:59 am
I agree with your statement on the no backpack rule but, the school staff might have a good reason not to have them in class rooms I would like to have backpacks in school and since I might be doing swim have a backpack around would be great.
-Raven shuck
Justin Hall • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:59 am
I totally agree the quotes are well descriptive.They make sense because if we have to go get something else there would be a chance to be late but if you have your bag in class you would have all of your school supplies. I agree with the metal detector statement the Teachers could do a quick scan to see if they are armed with illegal substances and weapons in their backpack. That is why I agree with this article.
Raven. Renee. Shuck • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:56 am
I agree with your statement on the no backpack rule but, the school staff might have a good reason not to have them in class rooms I would like to have backpacks in school and since I might be doing swim have a backpack around would be great.
Brylan Berry • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:15 am
This is the best article I have ever read in my 12 years on this earth. The punctuation, the grammar, the spacing, the quotes. If I could describe this article in one word it would be AMAZING. I agree we should be able to have our backpacks in class. Keep up the good work. I’m so proud of you guys. 🙂
Chace Lobenthal • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:13 am
“I really like this article because maybe you’re in high school and your locker is down by Jr and you need to go to the band room you’ll be late to class. I also think we should have bags in classes because some teachers don’t trust them. Maybe we say “can I go to the bathroom.” Sometimes they can’t trust kids so they can watch what we get out of our bags in class.
Mia Roller • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:09 am
I think that backpacks should be aloud in the classrooms and I think that Hayden and Kaylin made a good point about how most people have extra stuff for either practices or other things that they will need throughout the day and overall I think that the articles was good because it stated a lot of good reasons on why backpacks should be aloud in the classrooms.
Lynnsey Ramer • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:07 am
This article is very convincing! Backpacks need to go in classrooms. You have given the students reasons to bring them back.