People deal with activities after school, then have to deal with homework right after those activities. Most times those activities start right after school and last a couple of hours. Other times they have to get home and get ready for their activities, then go back to the school or where the activity is taking place. By the time the person gets back from their activity, then they most likely don’t have time to work on it. We should not have as much homework because kids have after school activities, they get home late, and they have too much homework to do. Another reason that we should have less homework is because sometimes after school, some people have to go do something like helping their parents with something outside or even inside. Sometimes when we are doing our homework, we don’t understand it and it takes up our whole night or whenever we are working on it and we don’t get to the other homework. Another reason why we should have less homework is because too much homework could cause stress among students. Students also are given homework from different classes and if they have too much they might not be able to finish them on time. Not being able to turn in your assignments in or turning in late would lower your grade and if your grade drops drastically you would not be able to participate in sports. According to “experts agree that the quality of homework is more important than the quantity.” Homework is important because it can help a student understand the subject more thoroughly yet it seems unfair to the people who already understand the subject. I believe that homework should be more of an optional study resource to help understand better. In conclusion we should have less homework because of after school activities, mental health, and to help keep grades dropping from missing/late assignments.
Less Homework

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