A question around students for a long time is whether teachers should be able to hold students back behind class or not. Students have complained about this because it affects the rest of the schedule for the day. We are going to give a side of information that we feel and we will let you decide how you feel.
First of all, teachers holding students back can lead to them being late to other classes without an excuse. If students are late to their classes it can lead to multiple things, like tardies, and depending on the teacher it could lead to lunch detention if it happens too much.
Another problem with teachers holding students back is it could be their lunch period. This can be a big problem considering how far your class might be from the lunch room. For others they pack their lunch and have to walk to their lockers to grab their lunch along with the walk back to the lunch room. We only get 30 minutes to eat and let’s say the teacher holds us back for five, let’s also say the particular student has to walk back to their locker to grab their lunchbox. That could take another 3 minutes. Last but not least, the walk back to the lunch room, that could be another 2 minutes. All that added up could lead to missing 8 to 10 minutes of lunch time, leaving us with only around 20 minutes to get our food and eat.
We conducted a survey of our peers noting the amount of students that said that we should or should not be held back after class. We asked 20 students for their opinions on this . (All in the seventh grade) and twenty out of the twenty believe that teachers should not be able to hold students back behind class.
In conclusion, teachers should not be able to hold students back. It affects time and schedule and can get students into different forms of trouble if they are tardy too many times.