School lunch is a long debated topic. Mainly whether it tastes good or not. While there are many different opinions, most students agree it tastes awful. In this article, we will be exploring the filthy school lunches and why the schools need to feed students better lunches by stating some counter-arguments and countering them, discussing the nutritional value of school lunches and how students need a more rounded diet, and ways that schools could get better lunches for students.
School lunches provide enough nutrients for some but not all major nutritional value categories. On average, most student lunches do meet the requirements for Sodium (98%), Calories from fat (82%), protein (55%), and saturated fat (89%). On the other hand, most don’t meet the requirements for total calories (5%), calcium (8%), iron (11%), vitamin A (18%), vitamin C (16%), and fiber (7%). All in all school lunches only provide enough nutrients for four of the ten nutrient groups.
There are many ways that someone could try to convince someone that school lunch is fine as it is. One such way is saying that the school wouldn’t be able to pay for the food, but if the school gives better food more kids will buy school lunch; therefore giving the school more money. If you argue that students can only have so many calories each day for lunch then that’s a weak argument too, as most school foods contain high amounts of calories, so if schools gave students foods that were filling and didn’t have a lot of calories than school lunch would be fine.
There are many ways schools could get better food; One such way is to buy regular food and have the lunch ladies cook it. Another way that schools could get better food is by simply
Buying better food that’s not canned, bagged, or fried. They could also get better food by doing a combination of these things.
In conclusion, Schools need to feed students better lunches. This article talked about the nutrients of school lunches, arguments, and how to acquire better lunches. While the change won’t be immediate, I hope that schools will change their lunch menus to be better.