Many people like the snow but there are some people who do not like the snow. There are multiple things people can do in the snow. Many kids had hoped that they were not going to school on Monday morning, January 6th. God had other plans for them. We were forecasted to get around a foot of snow in one night; unfortunately, Accuweather is not very accurate. There were many people who were hopeful to get that amount of snow but there were also people who knew all along that it was too good to be true. Once it got later in the night, it was showing the storm was moving farther and farther south; which, started killing the hope of a lot of students. When the students woke up that morning to find out they had gotten barely any snow, they were not very happy. What happened to the snowpocalypse we were supposed to get last night? Well if students had watched the news that day or heard about it by mouth, they would have figured out that Indy had gotten most of the snow that we were supposed to get. Indy was completely shut down that day including a lot of schools in Indianapolis. After being disappointed with not having an extended break, we soon had two e-learning days and also a two-hour delay. About a week later we had a planned 2 hour delay and then we were blessed with freezing rain for about 8 hours that stayed frozen long and melted soon enough, making the roads slick enough that we had another e-learning day. We have now used all 3 of our e-learning days for the whole school year. Meaning that if we have another bad weather day then we will have to either have a virtual day or make up that day at the end of the school year.