Our Experiences with STEM

STEM is the definition of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. What we will be talking about is what we have done in these past three school years in STEM. In 6th grade we did four different STEM projects. In 7th grade we did three STEM projects. In 8th grade we did three different STEM projects so far this year. We are going to talk about them one by one.
In 6th grade we started talking about precipitation. For our precipitation project we used poster boards to make a physical project. Most people used poster boards and tri-folds for their project, also some people did Google Slides and used shoe boxes. We had to write five paragraphs about our project on a piece of paper or on a Google Doc to tell the class about our project. Our next project was forest biomes. In the forest biomes we learned about forest floors and the animals in the rainforests. We also talked about planets. Some people made cool solar system boxes and had half foam spheres and painted them as planets.
In 7th grade we did a STEM project where we got a group of people from other classes and we had to create a slides presentation to present. This project you had to use a lot of teamwork and communication well and rely on each other to do their part. The second project we did was Newton’s Law project. We got to go to the makerspace and create a project made out of wood.
In 8th grade we started talking about STEM in science. We were talking about energy and how it works. We did a project on wind powered cars. We made a car that is powered by energy. When I say energy I mean by a fan. When we got done processing and making our car we used a fan to try and get it to move four feet. Some people even got their cars to 20ft.
We ask one of our classmates what their favorite stem project in each grade for the past three years. “My favorite project in 6th grade was the underpasses and overpasses. In 7th grade my favorite project was the reaction project. In 8th grade my favorite was the wind powered cars.”