When a Man Loves a Woman

Most people enjoy watching movies. Movies are great to watch for entertainment. The other day I decided to watch a movie for some entertainment while I crocheted. My favorite type of movie genre is romance. I went on Hulu and pressed the first romance movie I saw that looked somewhat interesting to watch. Usually when I pick a random movie it doesn’t turn out very well and I end up turning off the movie and not finishing. This movie I actually really enjoyed watching. There was a lot to take away from this movie. The movie was called When a Man Loves a Woman.
In the movie When a Man Loves a Woman the two main characters are Alice Green and Michael Green. Alice and Michael are a married couple who met at a bar and immediately connected with each other. The two go through many trials later on in their marriage when Alice starts to hit rock bottom in her struggle with alcoholism. They struggle with communicating with each other after Alice’s recovery much more than they did before. This causes them to separate for a little while, but they eventually end up being brought back together at the end of the movie. This movie showed the reality of marriages struggling and the importance of communication to get through the hardships. The movie showed this with an extreme example with Alice having an addiction.
In the movie after Alice comes home from recovery she struggles with insecurities. Alice does not let Michael in when she is having a hard day, and blames her poor self love on Michael. They end up separating after this argument. They still see each other often because they have children together. Alice invited Michael to her 6 month speech at her support group, but doesn’t think he will be able to come. She opens up about what has happened in the past and recently and begins crying when talking about her marriage falling apart. She pours her heart out on what she wishes she could tell him but believes it is too late. Little did she know he was in the audience listening to the whole thing. They end up back together and connected even more than before their rough patch. I think this shows how you can grow from hardships. Trials are sometimes good to go through because you will grow from them.
I was really surprised and happy to find this movie. I felt like this movie was really realistic in showing what it would be like to be in that situation. Michael and Alice loved each other very much and I am glad they made it past the rough patch successfully. I believe Alice needed the time apart to love herself and take responsibility. Watching this movie reminded me that sometimes trials are to make you grow. I would recommend this movie to someone who is interested in watching a romance.
Hello my name is Ashlin Collins. I am one of your senior writers this year! I run track here at Cass. I also am on the cheer team where I really enjoy...
Kenzie McLeland • Apr 24, 2023 at 11:30 am
Super good article Ashlin! I like how the told about the two main characters. I also like how you talked about how you were happy to find the movie.