There have been new rule changes this year at Lewis Cass. These rules affect the people at Lewis Cass by not being able to get all of your stuff to get to your classes before the bell. For example, if your locker is on the other side of the school and your classes are on the other side away from your locker. You could put your stuff for your classes in your backpack, and bring the backpack with you to get to your classes faster. Since we can not have our backpacks with us, it is harder to get to our classes on time. The phone rule affects us as well because if we have to get a hold of our parents, but they have a work number the school does not know about, and you know the number. Two of the multiple rule changes this year are no backpacks allowed in the classrooms, and no phones allowed in the classroom. It is important to read the handbook because the students can read the handbook for this info to understand the new rules that have been applied this year, and so they do not get in trouble with the principal and their parents for having their phone or backpack on them. The first offense is that you have to pick up your phone from the principal’s office at the end of the day. The second offense is that your parents have to pick your phone up from the principal’s office. The third offense is that you get thirty minutes of after school detention. The fourth offense is two days of ISS (In school suspension). Then the fifth offense is 3 to 5 days of OSS (Outside school suspension). Mr. Smith said, “Cell phones have become a major distraction in the classroom and are often used to communicate in negative ways.”
Myles Johnson • Sep 13, 2023 at 12:05 pm
I agree with this article because I would just want to grab my bag and go to my next class. Also, what if I wanted to talk to my friends, but the bell is about to ring so I can’t. I don’t have a phone but I think it is important to have your phone on you just in case something important comes up, or if your coach says that practice is canceled, but you don’t have time to taxt your parents.
Roberto • Sep 13, 2023 at 11:01 am
This article was really useful, I agree with what you said about the backpack rule because, it would help with getting to class on time and also help with being responsible and bringing your supplies to class. I also agree on phones should put there phones on there lockers because if you have your phone on you it could be easy to cheat if your in the back of the classroom and Hapara wouldn’t be so useful because normally teachers normally go on Hapara to make sure your on the right assignment and that your not cheating, but if you use your phone in class they would you there phone to cheat. This was a really amazing article and well described!.
Dane Hall • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:13 am
This article is perfect for students that are new to this school and the current students because we don’t follow rules. The rules for school are a pain but they stop the students from talking in various ways. This also helps because students cant hide anything in their backpacks. They can also not bring air pods so that helps people not talk in different classes and meet up in the bathroom.
Aniah Montes • Sep 13, 2023 at 8:08 am
I really agree that the changes of not being able to have your backpack and phone in class affect the people at Lewis Cass since sometimes you’re not able to get to your locker in time to get the stuff you need for your next class or you’re having to carry a lot of stuff around. It can be difficult not being able to have your phone since if there’s something happening that’s bad you might need to call one of your parents or text them if you don’t have time to ask a teacher to use their classroom phone or they don’t allow you to.