What is FCA?

Not many of you might know what FCA is, so let me tell you. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Every Friday we go to Walton Christian Church, eat breakfast (which parents volunteer to make), and there is a speaker who will talk about how God has changed their lives.
FCA usually starts at around 6:30 AM. The parents probably get there around 5:30 AM. There aren’t many kinds of food, but either way we always enjoy them. Our choices of food are French toast, Bolin’s donuts (only on the last day of FCA in the Spring and the Fall), breakfast sandwiches and burritos, biscuits & gravy, and last but not least, pancakes.
Last year we started having FCA during basketball and football season, but we used to have it only during football season. Not as many people come during basketball season, but there is always a good turnout. We usually have between 30 to 60 kids during both seasons.
FCA is not just done by Lewis Cass kids, but by many other schools in the country. FCA is a country wide activity. Most schools only have it in the fall, but Lewis Cas has always been different so we decided to change that (for us).
Now to get to the good part: the speakers. Every Friday we have a new speaker who comes to talk to us. Usually it’s a current, past coach or a Lewis Cass Athlete Alumni. They come to talk to us about how God has worked in their lives or how God could work in our lives. I always enjoy the talks. Another thing that the speakers usually talk about is how we can use our connection with sports to help our relationship with Christ and how we can impact others lives as a Christian athlete.
FCA is something that I always look forward to on Fridays, and I don’t think I’ve missed one yet! I may not always like to get up at 5:40 in the morning, but if it’s for God, it’s totally worth it. So if you are looking to become closer to God, then FCA is the place to go. A church filled with Christian teammates, classmates, teachers, coaches, and parents: now that’s the place you need to be!