

The dogsled is a transportation for the snow. The dogsled was invented because people needed a fast and energy efficient way of travel in the snow. The dogsled was invented around 1,000 A.D. The dogsled was believed to be invented by very early Native Americans. Also the Inuit people also use the dogsled, but the Natives were believed to use the dogsled first. The dogsled has become lighter, more aerodynamic, and more comfortable. The dogs used in dog sleds have become stronger and faster with the improvement in food. People race dog sleds and they can win up to $15,000. Some of these races are long distance or short distance with speed. I have a couple ways I would improve the dogsled, one way is adding a light bar so they can ride at night. If you don’t know what a light bar is it is a bar with lights in them and they are very bright. I would also add air shocks so the riding would be a very nice ride. The last thing I would add is a chair so the dog sled rider can sit down. Nowadays the dogsled has been replaced by the snowmobile, because they are faster and can go on more difficult terrain.