
There are many types of animals, especially in the ocean. There are starfish and seahorses, to whales and sharks. Animals that live in the deep dark ocean, and some that live in tide pools. Out of all these creatures that live in the ocean, dolphins are one of the most interesting creatures. There are many different types of dolphins; they are very fast and agile, and they can live in rivers as well as the ocean.
There are many different types of dolphins that are different shapes and sizes. There are around forty different types of dolphins, and they can range from five feet long to over 30 feet long! The Maui dolphins are one of the smallest dolphins because the females are around five feet, and the males are even smaller. There are only about fifty Maui dolphins left in the world, so they have a high risk of extinction. The orca is the biggest dolphin species in the world. They can be anywhere from 20 to 30 feet long! Orcas are very intelligent and also very social.
Dolphins are very agile and super fast. They can swim up to 16 miles per hour but usually stay about 4-6 miles per hour. Dolphins like to follow boats, and jump the waves that the boat makes. There are some types of boats designed to make big waves, so the dolphins can jump them. Dolphins like to jump out of the water and sometimes do tricks and flips. They love to play around with each other and sometimes with humans. Dolphins are not scared of humans and will sometimes swim right up next to people or boats.
Dolphins are mainly marine animals, which means they live in the ocean, but some types of dolphins can live in rivers. One type of dolphin that lives in a river is the Amazon river dolphin. Amazon river dolphins are pink or pinkish gray in color, and the males are normally pinker than the females. Native people who live near the river believe that the dolphins are actually men who transform into dolphins during the day. The dolphins supposedly stay down in an undersea kingdom during the day. Then during the night they transform into men, and try to lure women into the water.
In conclusion, dolphins are very interesting creatures, and are very intelligent and social. There are many different types of dolphins, and they can be very small or very large. They are very agile and fast, and they love to play around with each other and humans. They mainly live in the ocean, but some kinds of dolphins can live in rivers and ponds. Overall, dolphins are very intelligent, social, and athletic creatures.
Hope Rush • May 9, 2023 at 12:19 pm
This is a very informative article Delaney. I like your format of the essay and all the facts to keep me reading the essay. I didn’t know an orca was a type of dolphin and that dolphin’s could swim up to 16 miles per hour. This is a very interesting article that I learned more about dolphins from.
Ava • May 9, 2023 at 12:15 pm
Delaney, I thought that your article was excellent! You did a good job providing details and talking about more than one dolphin. You also had many good facts.
Presley • May 9, 2023 at 12:15 pm
Great Job on your article Delaney!!.I love dolphins. They are one of my favorite sea animals that live in the ocean. They definitely are a very intersting creature. Keep up the great work!!!