My Experience With High School


As this school year and my high school career comes to an end, I can say I’m grateful for all the things that it offered me. These past four years have taught me valuable lessons, allowed me to make more friends, and ultimately grown me as a person. I’m blessed to have had the opportunities and experiences I did, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Lewis Cass is a small school, but the teachers and staff inside don’t put a limit on anything a student can do and, for that, I’m thankful. I believe I’ve grown socially and academically at this school as well, and I believe it will be that way for any student that applies themself to what Cass has to offer. 

One thing that I treasured throughout my four years at Lewis Cass was sports. I’ve grown up playing just about every sport I possibly could, and I continued to play the sports I enjoyed all the up till now. The sports that I especially enjoy are tennis and baseball because of the technique each one takes. Those sports not only were very enjoyable for me, but they also have taught me life lessons that I will hold onto for the rest of my life. They taught me how to lead others, be accountable, and learn from failure. Arguably the most important out of those was learning from failure because life is the same way; a person learns from their mistakes. 

Other than sports, I participated in a variety of clubs like Student Council, SADD, Champions Together, Key Club, Spanish Club, and the Logansport Savings Bank Junior Board. Each one taught me something and allowed me to develop certain skills that I can put to use in the real world. The LSB junior board was a great opportunity to get to know the opportunities available for me in Cass County and how much community involvement there is. Participating in these clubs also allowed me to meet new people and form new friendships. Overall, clubs allow you to go out of your comfort zone and develop different skills, and I would recommend that students coming up should participate in them. 

As for the newspaper course, it was a great experience. I found it interesting to write about what I wanted to and do research on topics that I wouldn’t have known about. Helping with the Kings Cast was also very fun to me because the crew and I tried to be as creative and fun-filled as possible, while also keeping the news background of it. The experiences through the kings cast and journalism class were some of the best memories of my senior year, and I don’t regret taking it at all. 

In conclusion, my time at Lewis Cass was definitely memorable, and I’m thankful for the experiences and lessons I had. From playing monopoly to having fun in sports, these times were very fun and enjoyable. I did my best to take advantage of every moment and make the most of each day because now I see that it goes by quickly. My advice to younger students would be to work hard, try new things, and enjoy every moment because before you know it, it will be gone. It’s been a pleasure writing for this class, and I’m excited for what the future holds. Thank you all for everything.